Location/place: kolkata

Name of company/service: study time

applied for online teaching, cheated of rs.4500.company proprietor name-rahul ghosh alias saurrish ghosh, his cell no. 9051720013, 9874544256. he is operating from kolkata.lodged an fir, he is arrested on 23.7.2012 and now in khardah p.s. I am getting no witness to testify in my support, please help. my phone- 033 2523 6588,please contact fast.


One response to “online fraud”

  1. Arati Tilak Avatar
    Arati Tilak


    I am based out of Mumbai.

    I was also cheated in similar manner. fortunately I have some records about payment made to this guy. I had made one payment by cheque and for that he was furious. Second payment was by cash as he demanded. But I have scanned copies of both payments made into Axis bank account in Kolkata. I will send some of these details if you get back to me.

    Arati Tilak

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