I have paid Rs.8000.00 cash to M/s Magnet Mind,Supela, Bhilai (CG) on 19.11.17 – Cash Memo No. 606 for my son Master Vaibhav Sharma for brain development. Unfotunately, my son is suffering from Allergic Asthama causing breathing difficulty. I cannot leave him alone. I requested the institute to refund my money but not behaving me in a proper manner and refused to refund my money. The contact no. of institute is Mob.9479040400 (Ph.0788 6999991). Institute website www.mmbrainacademy.com. I also spoken at Mumbai who advised me to contact at Bhilai office but in vain. Please help me in getting back my money since I belong from lower middle class and unable to bear the loss due to sickness of my son.


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