Non Receipt of Early Redemption amount of ICICI Deep Discount Bonds puchased in 1997

Location/place: Ahmedabad (Gujarat)

Name of company/service: ICICI Ltd

1. I have retired from Army Service on 01 Apr 2012 and presently settled in Ahmedabad (Guj.). During my Army service I had purchased two Deep Discount Bonds of ICICI Ltd for Rs 14,500/- on 28 May 1997 (Scanned copy enclosed). The details of Bonds are as under :-
Ser No Inward Ref Folio No Issue Price (Rs) Date of
Issue Maturity
Price (Rs) Date of Redemption Holder Name
1. I013101348 2156998 2,750/- 28 May 1997 1,00,000/- 27 May 2022 Mamta Mishra
2. I013101348 2156999 11,750/- 28 May 1997 1,00,000/- 27 May 2012 Hav Jitendra Kumar Mishra

2. Due to frequent transfers in my Army Service within 2 to 3 years from peace to field areas & Insurgency areas, I could not timely intimate my change of address to the issuing authority of Bonds.
3. Before retirement on 08 August 2011, I have submitted my request for change of address to the Broker :- 3i Infotech Limited, Tower # 5, 3rd Floor, International Infotech Park, Vashi Railway Station Complex, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703. They had intimated vide their letter No 0018098237 dated 25 Aug 11 (Scanned copy enclosed) that ICICI Ltd. Decided to exercise the early redemption option on 27 May 2003 and intimated to the Bondholders accordingly. Now the amount of both said Bonds have been deposited in the Investors Education & Protection Fund (IEPF) because of remained unpaid for a period of 7 years and no payment shall be made in respect of any such claims.
4. Sir, while I had not received any intimation or correspondence with regard to the early redemption by the company. I had also mentioned the name of my daughter – Ms KIRTI MISHRA as nominee of the above Bonds alongwith my permanent address in the application form for purchase of Bonds (Scanned copy enclosed) but till date I had not received any intimation of early redemption of Bonds on the nominee’s address also.
5. My Final Request is that “at the time of early redemption or upto the payment to IEPF, if I was not traceable anywhere due to various postings in insurgency areas or so during my Army Service, the amount of my both Bonds to be paid to my nominee(ie daughter – Ms KIRTI MISHRA) as per name and address mentioned in the application forms.”

6. You are requested to kindly help out in this stage to claim my above amount with/with out interest.
With Regards
JK Mishra

My Final Request


1. My Final Request is that “at the time of early redemption or upto the payment to IEPF, if I was not traceable anywhere due to various postings in insurgency areas or so during my Army Service, the amount of my both Bonds to be paid to my nominee as per name and address mentioned in the application forms.”

3. I have mentioned the name of nominee in the ICICI Bonds considering that “in future if I will suffer any type of casualty during the Army Service, my daughter will not suffer from financial problem in my absence.”

4. Considering the above reasons, you are humbly requested to approach the concerned authority or help me to take the payment of both the Bonds please.

With Regards

JK Mishra


One response to “Non Receipt of Early Redemption amount of ICICI Deep Discount Bonds puchased in 1997”

  1. ICICI Bank Care Avatar
    ICICI Bank Care

    Dear Mr. Jitendra,

    We have made a note of your folio number and our official will get in touch with you at the earliest.

    ICICI Bank Customer Service Team

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