Nakshatra Ring purchased in Year 2008.

Location/place: New Delhi

Name of company/service: Gitanjali Jewels

I purchased a Nakshatra diamond ring from Gitanjali Jewels store in South Extension, New Delhi in year 2008.
I went there last week for a cash back against the ring, however I was not carrying the invoice and the certificate.
I requested the sales people there to locate the invoice in their system, the purchase being in the name of my husband, “Rohit Tejpal” in the month of September 2008. However, they were not able to locate the same in their billing software.
I requested them to send my ring to the production company in order to locate the Product code of the ring. They obliged me for the same, though quite unwillingly and with lots of tantrums, as I had misplaced the invoice copy.
After 4 days, I went back there and was told that they could not locate the invoice in their records and the ring cannot be exchanged.
After requesting them for n times for the manual invoice book for that month, finally I was obliged and I was shown the manual invoice book for September 2008.
Quite surprisingly, I was able to locate my invoice very easily in the invoice book, the details being as under:
Invoice No.: 171
Book No.: 4
Invoice date: 3 September 2008
Customer Name: Rohit Tejpal
Invoice amount: Rs.15,860
First of all, its shocking to know that a manual invoice could not be traced into the store’s billing software.

The ordeal doesn’t end here. When asked for a cashback, I was told that I can be given only Rs.14,200, being 10% less than the original invoice value.
This was the first time that I was hearing such a thing.. That gold and diamond jewellery to be taken back at 4.5 years back invoice price, thus depreciating the jewellery, rather than the actual appreciation, which should be atleast 2.5 times of the price.

When asked for the reason, I was explained that it the Company policy. I was asked to refer to the printed framed policy on the wall. However, that policy stated that “Buyback of product purchased by customer will be at current Gold and Diamond rate less 10% of the same”.
When again questioned, they replied that since the purchase was made by me in 2008, the policy governed during that year would be applicable to me.
I fail to understand, that how I can be governed by a 4.5 years old policy, when the same was not even shown to me at the time of purchase.
If I want to sale my ring in 2013, then I should be governed by 2013 policy and not the old policy.
Also, the sales invoice has not buyback terms and conditions mentioned for the reference of the customer.
The store people failed to provide me a copy of the framed 2008 policy. In the name of a policy, I was shown an internal e-mail dated December 8, 2012, written by some Senior manager – Harsh Shah, to another employee – Tarun Yadav, stating that buyback policy for year 2009 is at Invoice value less 20%.
The Company needs to realise that they cant fool people by taking appreciated assets at depreciating value. Also, internal e-mails never can be termed as policies, unless communicated to the customers.

Request your help to realise my appreciated money that I lost in buying this Nakshatra Ring.

Gunnidhi Tejpal


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