My phone got complaint from the service center

Location/place: Trivandrum

Name of company/service: Samsung mobile costmer service center

My mobile had a complaint of its charging socket. I gave my galaxy s plus mobile to samsung service center at trivandrum. At the time of delivery they gave my mobile and it was switched off. I have switched on it and checked it. It was charging. But my phones touch screen was not working. I informed it to the concerd exicutive. They told me that they wil do software and it wil be alright. Aftrer half an hour the manager came and told me touch screen had complaint at first it seems. When i gave it it was working and i took my data from the mobile to memory card. The samsung costmer service center people had cheated me. My mobile is not working now. I have the copy of the job sheet. I need justice in this mater. Even the costmer care center people also cheat the people how can we take a samsung mobile. How can i trust the samsung company. Help me.


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