MTS forcing me to accept their changed plan

On the time of purchasing the device, the executive provide me the device stating that I can avail the plan of 999 for 20GB day + 20GB Night, but after activation on 13-05-2015 I came to know that the plan has been activated with their newly changed plan to 12 GB + 12 GB. So hereby I am requesting you to please block this connection as I am not interested to carry ion with this plan. MTS Data card no: 9143382081.

MTS is now forcing me to accept their plans, as I have purchased the dongle in view of 20+20=40GB plan. After purchasing they changed their plan and forcing me to continue with that.

So this is my request to please deactivate the MTS number 9143382081 immediately as I have no interest to continue with MTS.


2 responses to “MTS forcing me to accept their changed plan”

  1. Arvind Gupta Avatar
    Arvind Gupta

    I am also MTS customer,I have the same concern, my plan has been changed without my knowledge. MTS is neither replying nor closing my connection.
    Also I am hardly getting 500kbps of speed. And when I complained about this, MTS says that you are already getting a very good speed and they can’t do any thing about it. There is no minimum limit defined for speed by TRAI and companies like MTS making full use of this gap.

  2. om prakash sharma Avatar
    om prakash sharma

    its high time you should sue these ISP’s for fraudulent commitments and bad internet speeds. 500kbps against an AD of upto9.8mbps is a striaght cheating with consumers. if u cant provide 9.8mbps atleast provide half of it or atleast another half of the same, but no they are giving 1/10th of the commited line speed. i would suggest both of you to kindly make a written complaint of the same to or online state consumercourt

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