Location/place: LUCKNOW

Name of company/service: VODAFONE

I am from Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). I am very much dissapointed by Vodafone netcruise customer
care service. Currently I am subscriber of the Vodafone net cruise device which I think the worst thing in
my life I have ever done to become a subscriber of Vodafone netcruise.

This is to inform you that I have make 5 online recharge transaction of Rs.801/- each for Vodafone net cruise
device on 20th Jun 2012 and 21st June 2012 through
website unfortunately all 5 transactions got failed and receives error page on the website but amount is
been deducted from my HDFC credit card.Online recharge feature through is the worst feature
which I have ever seen, it cannot able to support online transaction of the customers

I have called Vodafone customer care several times ,visited the Vodafone office, however there is no
positive response from them, the only reply I am getting is like money will be reverted soon or sooner
however it is about a month and money is not been reverted till yet as it seems there is no value of time for
customers,this kind of service is not expected from Vodafone.I have very bad experience with your net cruise customer
care service customer service which is very unhelpful and uncooperative

My Vodafone netcruise MDN nos-9151935906
My mobile nos -9453148923


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