Location/place: bareilly
Name of company/service: timtara
i booked 1no. Nikon Coolpix P500 12MP Digital Camera (Red) on 1-4-2012 of rupees 16320/- by order no. #10228650 and order date was 01-04-2012. And booked an HP 3 in 1 Inkjet printer model DJ-F2050 of amount 3321/-by order no.#10224452 dated 27.3.12. I wait for deliver for long time but the company fails to deliver these products then I cancel my both order and said to return the amount. Now the company website shows the status money refund pending but not refund the amount. I have call many times to company representative and they give assurance that refund will be return within a week but I do not receive my amount till date.so it is Request to you forward my complaint for early refund.
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