Lost 15k by a Fraud “Verma Kennel Breeder” Located in Delhi/Panjab

Location/place: Khar – West , Mumbai

Name of company/service: Verma Kennel Breeder

Dear Sir,
I am from Mumbai.

I had requested for an American Cocker Spaniel pup in co-ordination with Mr. .Naresh (Verma Kennel), at the price of 15k , he had promised the delivery of the pup on the 24th of August 2012 , the same day of the payment,The bank account number given was 04801000020917 HDFC bank , he did not inform that it cannot happen the same day for whatever the reason was.
This pup was requested for birthday occasion of my mothers birthday
I had clearly mentioned that I would require the pup the same day and not later, which I was very much promised by Mr.Naresh, the same reason for which I can booked via Verma kennel, because of the high level of assurance he gave me .
He had told me that the pup will be delivered the same evening, but at 8:00 pm when i give him a call for follow up, He told me it is not possible due to heavy rain and flooding in the city , where as the weather forecast does not say the same http://in.weather.com/weather/monthly-New-Delhi-INXX0096
I waited and called till sunday , also he could not give me committed time for the next schedule of the pup being delivered. ,so i called cancelled the order and he promised to refund my money by monday noon that is 27th August .
I was given multitudes of reason for the failure, all i am asking is that if the delivery was not sure why did he promise again and again, just to keep the money and crack a deal ??
He has been disconnecting /avoiding my calls , random people pick up the phone and say he is not available and is outside .
The Fraud numbers are 8447844763 / 8447844763
I am sure i did a mistake by trusting an unknown person in an unknown city , but in place like india , i always thought people were true and faithful .
I am not the only one who has been cheated on by the same person .

lost INR 15k after Verma Kennel took advance payment and never delivered the required pet

Request you to please help us in that matter…it’s pretty clear that the commitment is not being kept, but at least I expect that they have the ethics to return the money if the delivery has not been made and cancelled.
It is a clean case of fraud and i am seeking for help .

I have the series of mails and text messages exchanged also for the same in case you need it.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Pratha Narang


3 responses to “Lost 15k by a Fraud “Verma Kennel Breeder” Located in Delhi/Panjab”

  1. I lost 15k to Naresh as well …. who promised me labrador puppy … i received his number from OLX and his kennel name is Verma kennel … Anybody here who can help me get my money back ?

  2. Here is the address of fraud verma kennel linked to collect mnoney online :

    179, Alif Farm
    Old Mandir Pushto
    Ranjender Jweller
    New Delhi

    Mob : 08447844760

  3. Hi All,

    I dont know what was the experience of others. But for me, I had great Experience with this Kennel and Naresh. First time in This January (2014), i ordered labrador. And got the Dog 1 day before expected. Price was also reasonable as compare to others.

    Thats is not it… After that i ordered PITBUL, and there was 2 day delay but i got very good Quality of PITBUL, as said by Vetenary Doc.

    My Friend Vishnu from Karnal also Ordered German Shepherd Dog. he also had nice experience. I even told my other friends and Relatives about this kennel. And

    I NEVER got any Bad feedback from anyone.

    You can contact me for clarifications.

    [email protected]

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