Location/place: ahmedabad

Name of company/service: hdfc

Respected sir,
I m Harshraj j vaghela from ahmedabad. my father got the mortgage loan of hdfc with 1300000 lacs in 2010. Primary account holder is the father in this loan or also property is also on the fathers name or i m also join apllicant with father but for security purpose hdfc give us to general insurane with 1300000 coverage suddenly before 2 on 02/04/2012 father death with heart attack and i call in call centre of hdfc general insurance but she reply me we are unable to pass the claim because policy isuue wuth your seprate name. loan accuunt holder name is: jayendarsinh n vaghela and policy holder name is the harshraj j vaghela loan ac no is:80127657 and policy no is 2918200045984200000. Why issue policy with my name and i have note sufficient income to pay emi and i also describe that father have goverment job in lic and all the documents of the father submitted after the pass loan and also welcome letter of the loan or loan aacount name is jayendrasinh vaghela so on which base hdfc issue the policy on my name bacause i have no sufficient income to pay EMI. please help me or reply as soon as possible. my cell no is 09825363699, 09428498989alredy paid 17 emi. they not pass my claim because policy is issue on my name


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