I, as a common citizen, am deeply feeling sorry for cheap market in our Country. Almost all products are adulterated, chemically made and sold with cheating advertisements. It is a grave mistake of State and Central Governments not doing their duty in protecting health and wealth of Indian. Other countries respect their country in following every norms and regulations laid by the Governments. Whereas our citizens and governments are taking all things for granted, letting illegality rule the country.
1. All cities, towns and villages are flooded with cheap synthetic milk – No Govt Official pays any attention to the health of the citizens.
2. Impure water is sold in cans, tanks at customers’ door steps claiming “mineral water”.
3. Gutka, cigarettes, liquor and even drugs are sold in every kirana (grocer) shops everywhere.
4. Cheap food products – chocolates, chips, sweet rolls and many such eatables are sold in markets.
5. Most of the transportation is illegal avoiding all taxes.
6. Sand Mafia, Liquor Mafia, Brothel Mafia and all white collared criminals are never prosecuted and punished so that they change their entire attitude forever.
As I bring the lethargy of the State and Central Governments to your kind notice, may I humbly request you to file cases against the governments who are not doing their duties in an expected way for which act I shall be thankful to you.
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