Highly Dissatisfied customer of HP

Location/place: Ambala

Name of company/service: HP

I have recently bought my HP Laptop from Ambala. When I was buying the laptop I said I wanted to check all the things and then give the product to me but the shopkeeper said no once the box opens i have to buy it as it is already very well checked by the HP professionals. I was highly amazed at the confdence of the shopkeeper and so I bought the laptop. I recently got married and so it was a gift from my hubby but i hardly used it as I had to go back to Hyderabad to work on the same.

When I came to hyderabad and started using the laptop there were 3 – 4 internal problems in the laptop:
1. Web Cam was not working properly
2. Two ports were not working properly
3. OS also had some problem

I went to the service centre right after my office. There I asked the personal if it is an internal error of the product which is given to me without any cheking then it should be completely replaced as it is not my fault but the company’s fault. He failed to give me any aswer exept talking about company’s policy.

At the end I realized that there is no gauranttee that the product you are buying from HP is absolutely in the good condition and the 1 year warranty is given by the company is to correct there mistakes and not to solve the problems occurred by the customer.

I as a custmer do not wish to pay for any fault of the organizations to whom I have paid complete amount for a first had computer but will be using now a second hand in just 2 months.

I am highly dissapointed with this and request you to take immediate action agaist it as I wish to take this issue to higher platforms.


Smriti Mishra Sharma

Laptop: GT-I9082EWAINU


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