harassment by school principal

Dear sir/madam this complaint is agains school principle of st mount marry school which is in maiad-w gate no-6,mumbai,i have pay rs14000 dues of 2children who where studing in std-4th[saima.sajid.shaikh] &[samir.sajid.shaikh]in std 6th,from last 1.5yrs they have not attend the school due to unpaid fees,this year i have discuss with principal & paid the dues so that they can proceed their further study,but after getting the money the principal refuse all her committment & not allow the children to study in the school,now principal has get their L.C & told to leave the school,giving the reason that you are not capable to pay the fees,which is unfair to both children,as they are innocent,i humble request you to take serious action again school principal so that in future any other parent or student should not face all this problem,i don’t bother about my money but i am worried about children who will wasting their current year due to principal harassmant,i hope you will take serious action agains this,for further communication you can contact me on 9323739487.


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