Dear Sir ,
Please consider this email as a desperate request of Good Services from Citibank . I am a Priority Customer Credit card ending with 3007 . I have taken a Good Health Policy and have paid full amount in the month of March but I have not yet got the Cover note of the Policy . I have called up Multiple times to Citibank to get the policy cover note but they have only one answer :They are sorry for the inconvinience and somebody will call me in Next 48 hrs . And beleive me no-one calls
See below email sent by my father to reply us . I donot understand if Citibank takes the money why it is not delivering .
If you can look into the issue it will be great .
Else I am already frustrated with Citibank .
MOB:91 -9945666911
———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 12:30 PM
Subject: Fw: RE:’Citibank=008-992-417′ RE:
Dear Sir,
With reference to your forwarded correspondence regarding renewal of policy,I am sorry to inform you that the subject policy has not been received by the cardholder,though the premium has been duly paid.Kindly look into the matter and arrange to send it expeditiously.Telephonic reminders have been made by the cardholder of card ending 3007 without any result.Priority action is required please.
Yours faithfully,
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