Name of company/service: GOINDIABUYER

On 25th may I received phonecall on my mobile No. 9898012692 . someone at other side told that he is talking from Citibank . & asked them about EMI System because I wanted to buy double door freeze at that time. So they told me that they r sending me 16 thounsands amount vouchers and with that I can buy anything with it & from any place. & I am valuable customer of citi bank that’s why I m selected and I will receive Tablet, Four wrist watches, Mixer, Iron & Travel Holiday vouchers for 7 days 8 nights for eight persons. U can listen these communication again if u have recorded it. I again asked them can I buy anything from any place? again I get reply yes. Not only this but they told me that no sooner did I purchase anything I will receive Rs. 4000/- cash back discount on that 16000/- vouchers, so thus I can buy Rs. 4000/- amounts more things from anywhere.
They didn’t explained about I have to pay money or any amount agaist this. So I asked on their 4th call that how much amount I have to pay against all these things. then I received reply at that time by phone that I have to pay Rs. 21998/-. The I agreed with them. Even They told me my Citi bank card No. My secret No. my card validity also. I asked You how can any company member know these secret things of any customer?
When I received my 1st parcel , I found vouchers & read some instructions . I was shocked. caz I read that I have to purchase anything from only GOINDIA BUYER.COM . I never heard this company’s name. I received minimum 6to 8 calls on 25th may. nobody clarified or even tell the name of this company.
First of all I talk to Citi Bank & was very shocked when I heard that Citi bank never called like this. There is not a single skim from Citi bank. SI called in GOINIDIA BUYER and talk to Shweta Then suddenly I talk to Mr. Jignesh Patel (caz on 25th someone or 2-3 persons at your side told me if I had any query about this, I can talk with him.) He told me that I can select anything of any company ,then when I will inform him . He will redeem full amount voucher of that thing. again next day I told him about samsung 21 inches convection oven . He least 20 to 30 times but come times he was in meeting , or out for two days , again in meeting. but he never contact me. Yesterday also I mailed but there was no written reply. If I will not receive any reply at your side I will go in media . or give me my 21998/- amount with interest back . Reply me as early as possible.
laxmi wadhwani…
Above detail I send to goindiabuyer.com also atleast 15 times but I still don’t get reply from that co. so, pl. help me


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3 responses to “GOINDIABUYER CHEATED ME RS.21998/-”

  1. bhadresh

    I am the victim of that fraud too. One person called me up that he is calling from visa card office and he told me that my credit card statements and other transactions are handled by them and also said that I was their VIP customer and had won many gifts like zen tablet, 2 couple watches, 3 day holiday packages, and many other gift vouchers and many more gifts. I asked him thrice whether i had to pay money for this or not but he told me that i need not pay even a single penny. After that he asked for the verification no. and trickily got my account details. After a while a lady called me up and informed me that I need to pay 22,000 Rs for all these product and she told me that I had purchased all these products. I told them that i hadnt purchased any of these products and I told them to cancel my order immediately but they refused to do so. After a while the SMS came to me from the bank that the withdrawal of RS 20,000 had been done. The manager of the company Jayesh Panchal told me that the order cant be cancelled but any how they gave me the discount of 2000 Rs. The company is a great fraud….

    Lakshmiji the fraud had happened with me too…if u take any action against this then plzzz inform me tooo in this comment

  2. Banks will never contact you asking for your details. They don’t need that to modify your account. Whenever this happens, it is most definitely a fraud and should be reported to respective authorities.

  3. I also victim. Please do not share any card no. and cvv. Share it maximum people.

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