I Sohil gave Samsung wave 575 3g for repairing coz no network to shop in vasai OM Mobile dated 12/10/2013 Store contact no :9320472929 after few days he returned the mobile stating that cannot be repaired but seen that back cover was very old so info shopper abt the same he says happens sometime no matter we took and went after seeing the original mobile bill battery no was different so again we informed OM Mobile shop that along with back cover battery is alo been changed showed him the bill says need 2-3 days to exchange after 2-3 days He said that its my guarantee if there any problem in battery n its original also back cover we had was new and returned old and I tried with old battery but it gets drained in 30 min and now no response from His side where as he informed that it will be his guarantee so What to do with such kind of shoppers who really changed the parts of mobile.Please let me know waht to do and I have the bills with me given by OM Mobile shop which I have not returned back.
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