This year in the month of January located in Chennai has collected 24,000/- for sending me their phone Auxus Nuclea N2 White colour. But after several requests they sent a phone in the month of March and that to of Black colour with a excuse that at present white colour is not available. The Phone carried a Warranty of one year.
On receipt of phone through a courier I found some defects in the phone and lodged a complaint with the coy vide ticket No. 129754 on date 5/3/2014 that is the same date the phone is received from the Coy. I have to send it to their office at Chennai through a courier by spending additional amount. The coy retained the phone for some days and then sent the same phone after doing some repair work instead of replacing it.
After very few days the Phone again had major problem with signal issues and tend to switch off at its own, for this again a complaint was lodged with the coy vide ticket No. 665001 dated 12/4/2014 and the phone was sent again through a courier for replacement/repair by spending courier charges from my own pocket, again the coy kept the phone with them for many days and they again returned the same after doing some repair works.
Now, again the phone had same signal problems and some other issues, as usual a complaint was registered with the Coy. vide Ticket No. 345004 dated 15/3/2014, and again sent the phone to the Coy for repair/replacement. The coy kept the phone for around a month and then they asked for money for repair. Despite that the phone is under warranty of one year and most of the time the phone is kept by the coy itself, As per their demand I paid them Rs.1,000/- for this repair on 10/10/2014 , but since then instead of getting back my phone I am waiting and waiting, but they never returned my phone, neither any money. Now they say that they have sent it through a courier coy dotzot on 27/10/2014 with reference no. 700000593900, but this reference is never reaching its destination since last 15 days,
Request ask coy to Refund my complete money around Rs.25,000/- including money paid to them for repair or send me other phone by some different courier Coy.


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