Location/place: hyderabad/pune

Name of company/service: VECTUS TECHNOLOGIES

Dear friend,
vectus tech is a fraud company and there
web site is when i presonaly visited pune office address
then that building owner told here this company office is not here then i show this company website then he told it means they are doing fraud,and i taking
with one consutant in hyderabad then he told i will take 100000(one lac)for this company this is very fraud copany
so dont west ur money.Thanks


353 responses to “FRAUD COMPANY”

  1. Yes.Looking for same information. How come a company get CCMIlevel 5 with in 5years.

  2. Friends,
    Today I visited Vectus tech in hyd… They said its an MNC. We have two projects and recruiting huge members. Its an MNC but it is not registered in MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS.. Dont Belive this company friends.. n dont waste your time and money.. Its a fake..

  3. the company was regesterd in MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS

  4. how to check vectus is registered in MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS.
    plz tell Anonymous.

  5. friends please inform to the people who are going to join that company and save there money

  6. For
    Google-> mca->company/llp master data-> type VECTUS TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED and click on search then goto the link and see the details

  7. Hi guys i too went to the company ..attended the recruitment process. The hr said they have more projects due to come in the next week.The company is registered with ministry of corporate affairs .I dono whether to join this company or not .. please give me some advice.

  8. same problem for me also pavan !! plz suggest us to go for dat company r not ??

  9. plz any one say this company has registered or not…


    check dat link !! it is registerd in 2007 bt startd just 2 months back so hw v can trust dem ??

  11. hi

    Yesterday i am attended the interview process, but today i got a call from dat company, they told ur selected, i am confusing about this join or not,there is positive talks in web for this comapany ?

  12. i am also confusing abt this company
    bcoz it registered partnet with intel corporation
    plz click bellow link

  13. it has also seen in MNC company list of hyderabad.
    plz check link

  14. ya nihar u r right !! bt evm m in dilema to trust it r not ?? when u attended d interview ??? @nihar

  15. hi friends,,i also dont know,,wheather to join r not,some one told me that is a good company some one told that is bad company,,friends tell me truth,,all r got only through consultancies only,,,that is the main problem,,,any one got cal with out consultancy,,,reply me urgent friens……….

  16. @ bunny ,i attended interview 6 oct
    and get the offer letter joining date is 16 oct..

  17. @nihar, i attended yeterday only ,nd got d cal from vectus dat m selected lykdat !!! nd u r from which consultancy nd wa abt money ??

  18. hey guys(suresh, nihar,bunny, pavan,venu, reddy, ram)…..
    do all of u attended to that interview through the consultancy??? if yes plz once mention that consultancy name??
    mee too attended to that interview yesterday through the consultancy only…

  19. @ bunny i m from elena consultansy and give 3 month sal

  20. @bunny, mee too attended yesterday only nd i got a call today…
    me & my frnd attended & we both got a call that we r selected….
    is it fraud company or not… i’m confused…
    if u had any info, plz mention guys…

  21. @nihar after gettin salary r single payment ???? dey askd m 2 pay 50000 in advance nd nect 1st month salary after 1month !! package ???

  22. @nihar…. did u pain d money to that consultancy, we also from the same consultancy

  23. @sanju evn i dnt hav ny info !! bt i think it is nt genuine bt dnt want to loose a chance !! so still enquiring !!nd wa dey ask u 2 pay ??

  24. also from that consultancy,,,i attend last month 29,,they are asking to pay money before u joining only,,they are asking 4 months sal,,,tell me u r contact person in that consulancy,,please cal me sanju 8686963427

  25. i paid 40000 …..

  26. @bunny, mee too dont want to loose chance… at first dey asked to pay 4 mnths sal we said it’s not 5n… den they asked to pay 2mnths sal before joining & then after 1 month dey told to pay another month sal…. finally dey told to pay 3 mnths sal…. what about ur package??

  27. i hope this company is not fake
    bcoz it has llpin no U93090AP2007PTC053183

    registered no is 053183

  28. @sanju same talk happen btwn us !! finally dey said 2 pay 50000 in advance nd 1month salary after !! package dey told is 2.8 lacs !! so wa u r deciding ??

  29. @suresh… dey asked me to pay 3 mnths sal,name of ur contact person in that company????

  30. @nihar u paid it 2 consultancy r vectus cmpny !! nd when is ur joining date ?? how got u confidence 2 giv 40000 nd next hw much u hav 2 pay again ???

  31. @nihar… r u sure?? did they gave u any paid receipt??? ven is ur joining date nihar???

  32. @bunny… not able to decide any thing… it’s seems to be 50% genuine & 50% fraud… i’m totally confused…
    d screening process is also very easy… so can’t able to take any decission

  33. no , not given any paid recipt
    joining date 16 oct

  34. @ nihar joining date was mentioned in call letter r dey have told u in phone ?? nd can u give a snapshot of ur offer letter ???

  35. @nihar, plz give ur contact number…. u r gng to join d company in 3 days… may be u wil get to know about that…
    so, we can know by calling you..

  36. mentioned in offer letter
    and contact person is rajan saha

  37. @nihar nd did u ask dem dat u would pay d money after first month salary ?? wa dey said ?? nd rajan saha is from elena sol r vectus ???

  38. @nihar… plz give ur contact number….
    if any fraud happens… by contacting we all can able to help each other…

    GUYS(who r from elena consultancy solutions) mention ur contact numbers…

  39. @nihar,@bunny,@sanju,,hi guys,,
    me also in dialama,i attended interview process last 20 days yar,,they are told me u r process is very late,,tell me fast r u joing r not,,,,but still i am in dailama,,,my contact person is kiran sanju,,u r contact person,,
    i also saw in MCA registration sire,,this is registered at 2007 but they open now ,what is the reason behind this guys,,tell me guys what we r going to do

  40. rajan saha from vectus team lead

    i paid rest amt after getting sal

  41. my number is 8977882341

    plz share ur contact no guys
    who are from elena solution

  42. @nihar,,,what r u decided,,,my friend joined already in company last 5 days back,,he told that i dont know man,,but not yet training start and projects also,,if you have any one of u r known person in experience persons in that company,,any one of u know,,u have to enqured in exp persons who r joined in that company only,,,,,,

  43. hey guys… plz mention all of u r contact number’s..
    my nub: 8712843516

  44. @suresh… did ur frnd entered into the company by paying money through the elena solutions??

  45. @sanju,,what u r decided sanju,,u got offerletter,when is u r joining,,,and sal details ,,,,

  46. @sanju,,not consultancy,,,some other friend reference who is in that company ata,,one more thing exp persons got sal of one month and that credited accounts of 31st only,,,,,but we have to pay to elena only kada,,that is main problem sanju

  47. @suresh.. me & my frnd attended interview yesterday only n today i got a call that i was selected & my frnd also… dey told that they will mail us the further details, sal: 2.8L per annum

  48. ss nihar,,but they r not responding to our questions nihar,,,u know some foreigners also there ,,those who r from us and uk may be,,what u r decided nihar

  49. kk sanju,they told only on phone cal not yet u got offer letter,,when u r going to pay money to elena after joining of the day r when u r got offer letter na..i think u know telugu

  50. @suresh, did ur frnd paid any money to d company r other??
    or else he entered into the company without paying???

  51. @sanju,,he paid the money to the person who is the mediator of company to him,he is not having any consultancy,,he paid 1.3 sanju

  52. @suresh, ya i know telugu… i’m thinking to pay after joining day & not yet decided to pay or not…
    wat u decide??

  53. let see wat is going on 16 th oct
    there after i will sahre my exp….
    till then i cant say anything.
    but, 70 % sure this company is not fake bcoz ,one of my brother visited this company and see the registration detail and said not a fake company.(he working in a mnc 3+ year exp)

  54. @bunny… plz mention ur contact num also..
    when u r gng to join??
    did u decide to pay to the consultancy::

  55. hai guys can anyone please call me at this number 9703486600…so that i could talk personally.. or mail to me at

  56. hey guys… the members entering to the company are paying amount to either the consultancy or mediators & all the persons who r attending the interview r being selected… this making me to think about this & even the HR poojitha is fresher… all these r seems to be very confused

  57. ya @sanju .. i too got the same feeling… n how much did the consultancy asked u to pay the amount ..

  58. @sanju yes

  59. @all

    nce see dat link !! nybody hav any mutaul friend vth hm ?? bcoz he is working in vectus company !!

  60. @bunny can u please give me ur number …

  61. @All hey guys did anyone of u attended for sap platform jobs if so pls lemme know nd also teek me the commitment details

    Thanks in Advance

  62. @bunny… plz mention ur contact num..
    & wat’s ur final decission bunny??
    is it fale r genuine??

  63. same problem friends . me too hav attended the interview and got cal from the vectus ppl . confused to pay and join or not .

  64. 2maro am gona attend plz let me knw details guys

  65. my num 9032696026 from elena consults, plz tell me weather t attend or not

  66. @nihar is elena solution is fraud or genuine……

  67. hi..frnds
    i also attnded the intrvw on 11th and i gt selctd,,myt be 2mrw i wil get offr lttr…

  68. @hanu is it genuine company

  69. hi friends,,
    any body is willing to join in vectus,,because they told to me u dont have a time tell me its urgent process ,,,r u join r not,,reply me

  70. Today 5pm am going to vectus guys if u have anything to knw abt office , tell me ill go and find out

  71. @nag,,hi nag,this is suresh,,u need to know projects is there and what about salaries,,is all persons join from consultancy only r any one can direct ,,write now how many employees there and those r freshers r expeerience,,is any training for freshers r direct project ,,,,please enquire all these things nag,,kk,give reply after u met any one,,,please ask these things only exp people because dont know for freshers kada ,,,,,reply as soon as possibe nag

  72. Hi guys,dnt pay money to vectus technologies it is a fraud company… dnt waste ur money plz tell them all…, all are from consultancies paying 60k… how can a company get level 5 within 5 years and also they have opened company 1 month back, there is no office in pune just they have given address( i got this info from one website)…

  73. Guys i have done wid interview , i asked abt project,he told its under review anta ,
    +ve’s- they providing cab, sodakxo passes, sal on 30th 23k ,
    -ve’s- infrastructures not like level 5 company, no generator if power cut no work,

  74. Every1 from consults only…. From 2months ppl started working ….total 60 ppl approx working overthere some are exp remaining freshers

  75. vijayakumar Avatar

    hi guys, my interview is scheduled for tomorrow in vectus. I too from Elena. After reading all ur opinions I am too little confused to go for Vectus ..

  76. @vijay find out some details like training for fresher and details abt project

  77. Hai everyone ….the company will not give any training to the fresh candidates on their respective technologies.They will provide training abt the project only, rest we have to learn on ourself . So its upto us to prepare well without giving them any chance to fire us on account of low performance. Guys,the company is not a fake company and the thing is that though we have doubts abt the hiring standards & process its upto us to survive in that company .You need to take some amount of risk .

  78. Google-> mca->company/llp master data-> type VECTUS TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED
    amd type this cin no as U93090AP2007PTC053183

  79. Hi type NDA VECTUS TECHNOLOGIES in google . U ll get NDA document which is confidential.


  80. @hi amul,,r u join in vectus na,,if u have that NDA document,,that is confirm na,,,how can we belive that all candidates through consultancy kada friends,,,howw

  81. tell me friends ,,,joining is better r not friends,,because today is my last date to pay money to the consultancy friends,,what is u r suggestion to me friends

  82. @pavan… how r u saying that it’s not a fake company???
    r u sure??

  83. hmm dono @ sanju … i m getting mixed response from everyone

  84. @pavan,@sanju,,what u both people decided,,,,me getting all negative responce only at any cost friends,,me thinking to take lite friends,,

  85. guys check this out … dono whether to believe it or not ..

  86. guys every company has same issue and to register to ccml5 they have some stranded, so we can believe and i conform the other branches also its!OK, to go with this company. they providing perfect offer letter

  87. @ jai i didnt get u … can u be more specific please . and can u give me your number or else call me at 9703486600

  88. Hi friends ,

    I am also ful confused whether to join or no
    What are ur suggestions whether we can or not to join

  89. even I am through elena solutins

  90. @jai…hi jai did u get offer letter if so u got it through mail or hard copy plz reply

  91. it is a fraud cmny

  92. @suresh is it pakka fraud?

  93. @suresh…how can u say its a fraud company do u have any reason plz reply

  94. guys .. i got information that they have govt projects due to come in the next few weeks. I m thinking to join the company.Its not a fake company but dono know how long the company lasts in hyd .

  95. vijayakumar Avatar

    It is not a CMMI LEVEL-5.

  96. Hi reason which is fishy about the cmpny

    1.They provided offer letter with salary stack witout verifying previous company payslip details.

    2. MNC has a standard procedure of interview.But they conducting interview daily nearly for 1 week.
    3. Alsmost everyone is fresher including HR shez 2012 passout.

  97. @amul,,r u join in that company,,but some one saying that it is good some one saying that it is fruad,,,,i am in dailama,,,,what’s u r openion amul

  98. Hi guys,its obviously a fake company…
    …first its not maintaining the cmmi level 5 standards
    …ofcourse,it registered in MCA but it is not cmmi level 5
    …Freinds,we all know that what the HR minimum qualification rite,here in this company we see one HR name poojitha shez 2012 passed out from JNTUA..hw is this possib
    …Mainly,there are no companies in that locations,personally i enquired through my freind in pune n he said that there is no company in that premises like that itsims..
    …And the tollfree numbers which they provided are not will say “please wait while ur call will be connect” n sorry executives are busy at this moment try after some time…i heard this from asian toll free number nearly hundred times…
    Finally i suggest u guys don’t waste ur parents money…its a big fraud company….



    Vectus Technologies – is a FRAUD Company. Please pass on the word. One of my friend had a very bad experience and lost some money as well.

    Vectus takes candidates only through consultancies, these consultancies charge 3/4/5 months salaries prior to the joining from the candidates. And the most shocking thing is there are people who pay and get fooled. There are hardly any employees working with Vectus. Please be careful with such false promises and fraud companies.

  100. hi guys is it genuine compy?

  101. @All….brothers it might not be a CMMI level5 company but atleast we might get 6 months of realtime exp na and the exact amount which we r paying to consultancy will be back
    there r no branches in pune r us r uk but if the company needs a project he should show minimum so he has given all that branches i think but for sure its not fake R fraud company.more over i saw vectus pune address is showing on google earth.

  102. Dear Admin,

    Please email me your contact details or email ID, We want to discuss few things about this complaint and your website.


  103. yeah i have enquired in pune der also its a new company started recently

  104. Hi Friends,
    I am also in same situation and one important thing is that why they show more interest in money before joining.
    After joining what’s the problem to them.

  105. dont cal to my number…becareful

  106. is it believe on vectus technologies, the people who got an offer letter, r who joined in vectus technologies let me know about that i can make decision..

  107. As per NASSCOM this company is a fake. Reach out NASSCOM

  108. @ Kumar how did u find it from NASSCOM … please give us the details here …thanks in advance

  109. I got some info about vectus tech , but pls kumar let me know u searched in nasscom /

  110. how u come to know that its a fake company According to NASSCOM
    According to what i searched vectus technologies is a changed name of any another consultancy company which was located in Banjara hills in earlier , they changes their name in 03/08/2012. and now they r running this company with the name vectus , and it’s server and IP bother r different than the earlier one

  111. @ Yash i didnt get u .. could u be more clear … n if possible please call me .. my number is in above comments ..

  112. I have sent u the document about vectus pls check it once

  113. hey Yash plz send me that document regarding Vectus company

  114. hey dont cal to my number,,that is stolen by some one,,dont cal to my number ,,,,,,,,,,,,

  115. So guys all together wat u say..? Whether its a fake company or not .. and also to join in it thru consultancy and same money process..?

  116. plz send me that document regarding Vectus company

  117. hey friends dont cal to my number………and even i dont know about vectus as well as,,,,,,dont cal to my number guya,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,be care ful guys……………

  118. Hello friends,

    I saw few of ur comments on vectus technologies and one of the comment i saw regarding this company to check this link so i have verified this

    so i have verified this link i saw many companies not in the list which are in hyderabad.. like syntel, sitel and google also so guys please do verify this link and say me whether google is a fraud company…

    Think once and do reply me….

  119. Hi guys Please pay attention….dont pay any money till 30 th Of this month.We r tracking some more information which r going to be disclosed in short while. Please pay the money after 30th oct .Hope u all believe us .

    provide any company on search button like foursoft
    you will get result

  121. @tsk …. i think its not mandatory to get registered with NASSCOM.. type for prokarma,primesoft ip soultions which u will give u no results… but these r level 5 n level 3 companies…what do u say abt it .

  122. Hi guys i enquired about vectus compy in US. My brother is living in newyork. He went to location and enquired about vectus. he told that this is company is not there.

  123. Hi, i got selected in vectus technologies. They are asking 3 months sal. please suggest me whether i will pay money or not.

  124. LOL @ sujatha .. what do u think on reading the above comments …n when did u attend the interview ???

  125. Its hard to believe dat it’s an MNC.Coz so many clients they have mentioned in the cmpny website and not even a single project is there…Moreover they released offer letter even without verifyng previous cmpny salary slips, Form 16…..
    They released offer letter by orally askng previous cmpny CTC..which no cmpny does……

  126. There is a 6 month of probation period , in that they may veify about form 16 or payslip, this is not a matter atall.
    Just the thing is whether they have project or not ?

  127. In vectus And one more thing that they r recruiting people to show manpower to their clients to grab the porject. then after they may fire the candidate on the name of less performance or bad performance. or they may conduct test for the candidates and simply they will fire them

  128. But 1 thing is final the a big risk is there

  129. @ San .. dont trust the link ….even MAXCOM INC is a registered partner of Intel …even i can create a dummy company name n get it registered with Intel.. so dont believe it..

  130. @ Yash … what u said may be right or wrong…. n whats the big risk that u were saying ..can u please specify it clearly..

  131. hi friends ,i saw ur comments regarding the company,

  132. this is my mail id plz tell me vectus is fraud or genuine compeny plz mail me soon

  133. hi guys , 9030900089 ,9666028455,these are the numbers of consultancy person ramesh,he is a no.1 fraud consultant..plz call him ,and torture him in your own ways,becoz my friend was lost 2lakhs,he cheated her,and took 2 lakhs frome her.his full name is nagaramesh,,plzz cal him and tortur him

  134. @ vectus .. who ru ?? n ur comments r incomplete ..

    @ Rekha … how come ur friend has give 2 lacs to a person and in which company he promised to place her

  135. he is an consultant ramesh,he took 40000 first,

  136. @rekha which consultancy from u?

  137. Hi All,
    The management team name they have mentioned are all fake people.No one exists in reality…You can check them in any social networking sites like facebook,LinkedIn….None seems to be genuine….

  138. @ Yash,
    Hi man,Actually b4 joining in any org, they verify the payslips n form 16 not during probation.You can ask HR policies of any MNC.Here without verifyng they have given offer letter dats unbelievable….

  139. @ AMUL :- can please mail me ur number to so that i can talk to u personally…

  140. hello,
    i got a call from vectus that my profile was shortlisted in naukari site n asked to attend interview.
    so, plz suggest me to attend r not.


  141. @sushma, Did u get call from vectus or consultancy?

  142. from vectus

  143. are you fresher or exp?

  144. @amul
    Whenever they enquirs about the candidate for his experience with earlier company, and if they have doubt about the candidate’s experience then only they may ask for salary slip at the time of interview.

  145. @xyz,
    Send me u r num will call u for any queries u have.Also, in career section they have not mentioned reg. vacancy in india region…and they hired so many ppl….

  146. guys in MCA(Ministery of Corporate Affairs) it is shown that vectus is registered in 2007 in Andhra Pradesh. but the company is saying that it’s 3-4 month old company in india.

  147. I got some document of vectus, according to that a consultancy company in banjara hills, changed it’s name to vectus , so now from 3-8-2012 they have a new company named vectus in india. and now its address is financial district, nanakram guda

  148. @amul,its 50-50 chances man.

  149. @yash,
    not at the time of interview . itz at the time of b4 releasing offer letter.How can anybody release offer letter wid joining date mentioned without verification..of salry slips n all…highly impossible….

  150. @amul,i think its not problem may be they tieup with that consultancy….its 50-50 chances man.

  151. and the earlier consultancy was originally incorporated on 20-march-2007. The that consultancy used to do staffing for different-2 companies.

  152. @yash, its a backdoor process man not a indoor process

  153. @ amul … i dont want to disclose my ph no here coz everyone will start calling me ..please email me ur num to

    @ Yash… did u find any info regarding projects ??

  154. Guys in some cases…the person who intervwd for some ppl had exp less dan dem…strange….

  155. plz find any cases who are joining vectus without payng cash to elena consultancy

  156. @123 I m not talking about back door or in door , pls read my comments carefully and try to understand what i want to say.

  157. @123 im talking about the vectus company history only.

  158. @amul,they are asking current payslips and offerletter to submit these docs at the time of joining date

  159. @123,
    What is the use of submitng current payslips at the tme of joining date..already releasd offer letter…will they change again the offer letter salry stack if wht we tld orally and wht is in current payslip mismatch…Funny
    No where they do lyk dis.They verify payslips in HR round itself…..not during joining…..

  160. @amul u correct i dont know much about cmm level 5 stands

  161. Guys @ amul , 123 .. please try to find out some info abt the company … whether its fake or genuine ..not abt payslips n etc …

  162. Me verified it…They mentioned some names who are in management team…just check it…all are fake names….type those names in facebook or linkedIn….none are true who holds wid the designation they mentioned….

  163. @amul what about pune location?

  164. @ amul .. from where u got these management names ???

  165. @ xyz,
    frm cmpny website. there u can can check our management team……

    dat pune branch vectus not registered in\mca21….only hyd loc branch vectus itz showng registered….so not sure abt it…..

  166. us locations are showing the address in googlemaps

  167. @ amul ….a company in india need not be registered at all locations … its enough if the company is registered in one location ….

    @ 123 .. The addresses given in website shows in google maps ….but the company is not there in that address .. use your brain man ..

  168. @xyz yes its true that registration wid 1 place is enough for registration, as Oracle India is registred wid Delhi, and TCS wid Maharashtra.

  169. I got info that pune location is there in that building. but the thing is that 1st in pune company came then in hyderabad . so they must register wid Maharashtra firstly not wid A.P anyhow in my opponion the company 60% fraud and 40 % we dont know

  170. krishna kanth Avatar
    krishna kanth

    This is a fake company, why the company selecting the candidates coming from Elena consultancy only.
    The managements of ELENA and Vectus are same. I was paid the amount first and then after I was taken my money back. They gave self cheque to me. Mostly in this week they will close the company. So Friends don’t catch into the trap.

  171. @krishna kanth how do u know that they will close next week.
    please help me? please give clarification

  172. hi frnds…can u plz suggest me to join in vectus or not?

  173. @ krishna kanth pls call me or msg me at 9030801453 i need to talk to u ..its urgent or mail me ur number to

  174. guys its a fake cmny ,i just enquired now the company has closed.friends who paid the amount got tensed

  175. @praveen.. Wid whum did u inquired ..? How u gotta know

  176. i too heard the same thing that vectus closed but not sure ….waiting for the truth

  177. My friend said that vectus closed. He is in company premises now

  178. closed aa r u sure about that what they ra telling ?

  179. please guys tell me truth my joining date is next week

  180. vectus company has been closed n elena consultancy too…..:-(

  181. @anonymous have u paid any amount?

  182. sarath r u sure about that…

  183. guys r u sure about that ………

  184. @san-yes im sure my friend joining is today but at the time he reached office its closed all the systems in the office has transferred to sum other place Sunday itself it seems

  185. @sarath have u attended interview.

  186. yes i have attended regarding commitment i got clashes vth elena so i rejected the offer thank god

  187. The company is closed i was in the vectus before 30 minutes u all can see news about vectus on ABN News.

  188. @sarath what is the situation at compy premises and reaction of employees

  189. ok your friend paid any amt

  190. It is very worried to all persons those who are paid the money…

  191. Vectus tech is having 75 people on that time i am in company i asked about the projects they mention to me UID
    at that time i fixed it is a fake company…!

  192. Elena consultant is also directly giving opportunity to getting a job.Come and go to there and cancel the consultant registration…!!

    Dont be take lite….!!

  193. dude elena also a part of vectus only , and both elena and vectus r removed

  194. @yash
    wat da security ppl had to say about vevtus..? Dint u askd any1 there where has da company gone..?

  195. Friends

    This is the next project of vectus technologies..

    How is the the modules

  196. This is Really a fraud everything was closed and he didn’t even paid the rent for office…..i am sure about this from the begining when i see it as CMMI -5 comp and the phone numbers in the offer letter are not working…enquired in pune ,they told there is no comp exists like that…Linkedin having fake profiles which easily understood eg: Name as Vara Lakshmi and gender-male…..Guys so many of these kind of companies are there in hyd..please make sure before u joining…thank god i didn’t pay single rupee…

  197. rolls r comimng in abn andhra jyothi channel…..

  198. @venu, i saw the news in abn

  199. Thank god i didnt pay even single rupee…. I Also enquired in pune dere is no office in the premises….

  200. my friend lost money

  201. i too got offer letter from vectus..please help me with ur suggestions whether to join r not…i already pay the amout to elena consultancy mem..his name is rahul kumar

  202. @anonymous….ARE YOU MAD ??????der is no company now ,where u wil join??..nw straight away go to police station nd file a complaint…

  203. those who paid the money approach to the police station and place a complaint against on elena and vectus companies those guys are cheating the people and simply they making money by showing intrest on job my self was one of the person who has to be cheated from them but by gods grace i was in safe zone i did not paid the money actually my joining date is 29th oct the elena solutions are supposed to call me many times for money and i rejected them

  204. @venu…even my joining date is on 29th..haha day before yesterday i went to elena with 30k DD …..but i dint gave that DD ….thought to give on dis wed…..thank god i was saved..

  205. God saved….Was fishy abt it frm begining…..

  206. @all….guys what u have said is right the so called vectus is closed personally i myself went there and saw i talked with watchman and some other guys also….

  207. @amul..any response frm ELENA???

  208. @srikar, no response from elena.

  209. we called many times to reach consultant persons. My friend lost 1.4 lakhs.

  210. hi guys…some of friends called me and asked about vectus..
    from starting…i am informing everyone it is a fake company.peole dont join…early morning a good news the company has closed…
    so guys be careful check evrything before joining..
    talk to employess..check website creation, mca, enquiring in building..
    if it is from 2 years in that building its good..
    so pls everyone take care.mny is value for everyone.
    i prefer nothing wrong in joining backdoor..but see the company…whether genuine or not….
    bye everyone.

  211. Dear all,

    This is a fake company. Overnite they have turned off collecting the money from innocent ppl..

  212. friends this a samll information about raghu who is a part of elena.his bike number is (ap 27 ad 2) black unicorn with fancy number palte .when i meet him he was on this bike.i meet him for 2 times he brought the same bike.i think this info may help them who lost money and police.

  213. deepak numbers are 9618940506,9030006132

  214. mr Anonymous they already removed sim from Mobile no. Use some brain

  215. i am also one of the victime of them, but i won’t pay money to them… am totally disturbed with this incedent. don’t know what to do now

  216. Mr. Kiran…anonymous is right, atleast giving some information…if the sims are already removed.. we can track all their old call history…we can able to find some information. don’t blame any one try to help money lost people if you have time.

  217. hahahaha all gusy pls try to opne it now getting open.
    And yaa pls @anonymous pls give that bike info to punjagutta police station so that they can find that raghu who was in elena

  218. i mean vectus website is not working

  219. i did not pay any money to them i gave his bike number to help those who loss money

  220. List of people involved in this fraud @Elena & Vectus
    1. Venkateswara Rao (Venkat)
    2. Bhuma Reddy
    3. Avinash Reddy
    4. Gurram Ravi Kiran Reddy
    5. Kumar
    6. Deepak (Sandeep)
    7. Pujitha

    Everything is tracking at Begumpet Police station. No need to worry, no one will escape.

  221. please ad my name also

  222. pujitha means Poojitha Reddy Gosula HR?

  223. These are the numbers they have used

  224. Thank god i dnt join dz

  225. M also got offer thru elena bt i dint join

  226. @vivek….i think poojitha is innocent coz even she may joined company by paying some amount…she is a fresher 2012 passed out..ihv seen in linked in….hmm but dnt knw exactly

  227. yes,i think she also involved in this fraud.They called many times to me to pay money. I didnt pay But my friend lost 1.4 lakhs.

  228. They are enjoying dussera with our money and we are crying.

  229. vectus site is not working but elena solutions site is working

  230. pujitha didnt delete her linkedln profile

  231. poojitha oka lanjeeeeeeeeeee

  232. i saw another bike no also when he come to collect DD from me. (AP29AD2128)

  233. krishna kanth Avatar
    krishna kanth

    hi friends, i was taken my money back with the cheque given by elena. i withdrawn the amount in kvb s.r.nagar branch. If this information is helpful…

  234. website vectus company govinda…govinda…

  235. hi guys on oct22nd vectus technologies was closed. They cheated more over 200 members they have collected “one and half crore” money from total employees. Their website is also not working they not even pay the rent for that building.please don’t believe the elena people. By god’s grace I didn’t pay the money to them now that office is sealed by the police

  236. they cheated more than 200 memebers? So sad

  237. Hi guys…. Any news about fraud guys?.. my two friends lost 1.6 lacs each through vectus.. His name is raahul.. Please update if any one caught

  238. i got this number from one site. May be its useful to track elena people.040 40043478. they register with this number on

  239. ore deepak and kiran modda goodsi pottara meeru.

  240. ore deepak lanjakodaka… naa friends are crying ra.. lanjakodaka

  241. One of my best freind name sravan lost 1.6 laks to elena fraudulents…he is a middle class fellowhe borrowed the money fron finance with 3 rs interest and he is now very much upset about this incident and he tries to attemp a suicide but with gods grace upon him we saved him n rite now he is in abids adithya hospital….so please can anyone give the useful info to get our money back….

  242. sad to hear dat….hope he recovers soon….

  243. its very hope he will recover soon….

  244. its very sad hope he recovers soon… my friends also lost 1.6 lakhs…please give valuable information

  245. hi friends …… this people only stared a company called maxcom in bangalore and the same person has did this for you people also…. there will be a person called phani nimagada he is the main culprit dont blame anyone he has used the same idea in hyderabad also …. so all u people file a case on him…. you people form a group first maybe around 200 people and dont give complaint to police he would have given money to police so they wont take action ,you people form a group go straight to the commisioneer office and tell them this many peole have been cheated before going inform the news channel to come to the comissioner office….. waste in giving complaint to police

  246. You are absolutely correct Anonymous

  247. they told Maxcom as level 4 compy, and vectus told as level5 wat next mr nimmagada

  248. Hi guys, got useful information about elena fraud people

  249. vectus site is not working.but our great elena site is working.f*uk

  250. ore avinash and deepak yerre pukulara tere maaki.. laudeke baal … we want our money ra lanjakodaka.. nennu madagalu denga

  251. guys one of our frens said a good thing to go to commisineer office.if police investigates about this seriously they can find that vectus and elena guys in 2 its good to plan and go to commisineer office

  252. Dear friends, vectus n elina both r same, both jumped n cheated all the company emplys n trasportaion n canteen persons. a case is registerd against company n consultancy at Bhegampet polistation on 22nd oct,2012

  253. one person arested by the police, n sercng for others, monday(29th oct,2012)all r going to meet CI of police also plane to meet Commissioner of police,

  254. hello friends, any news?

  255. Hi friends, i have total complete conversation of u all & finally i got know that its fraud company, even i got offer letter from the company but i wont join there.

    Don’t confuse any one and dont join there.

  256. Friends first you people should stick together and form an association And keep a lawyer to handle this case because without lawyer you can’t do anything , the police will white wash you people and they will leave the arrested person in bail within 6 days , police did like this in Bangalore in the same manner . So keep a lawyer first and move the case the convict can’t get a bail for 6 months in cheating case…. All u people have to so is follow these steps
    1….. Arrange a lawyer
    2. Form a association and be united this is very important
    3.go to the commissioner office with the news channel

  257. Hi guys, First dont belive companies like this. First check the company website, When it is created and where it is created. It is so useful. Dont waste your money by paying to backdoor jobs.
    Vectus site is created in india only,But they told their head office located in u.s.
    So please don’t believe this fraud companies and dont waste your money

  258. Yes sailesh……what ever that’s correct, but how we can find the its original or not?

    And one more thing all the people does not know about all the well companies, lot off companies are but we are unaware of that.

    But one thing is correct never go for back doors….. go through the own talent.

  259. Hi guys hav any body cheated from guy called raja

  260. No idea.. Any news dude about fraudulents?

  261. Hi friends any update about those guys.

  262. hi friends me also paid money to vectus… if there is any useful info plz update me…..

  263. Everyone eloped with money….all their num switched off…

  264. can any one let me know how may employes are there in vectus.. and when it was closed..

  265. Hi! friends….here are some details about HR “miss. G.Poojitha reddy”

    D.No. 38/164-2, prathap nagar, chinna chowk, kadapa. 9491938049

  266. Hi!! friends here are some details about the HR “Miss. G.Poojitha Reddy”….she also involved in the scam 38/164-2, prathap nagar, chinna chowk, kadapa. 9491938049

  267. One of the fraud company which i have ever seen….. I had escaped from this….. I strongly decided not to pay 1 rs/- also to any one for job…. Friends you to follow this…

  268. Hi satya, past is past… We have lost our money.. Hereafter we will go to backdoor jobs or not doesn’t matter.. We will take decision here and our unity is the important.. Lets fight with them to recover our money.. Day by day everyone forgot about this.. Friends, we never allow them to go heaven.. Lot of our guys lost money and got frustrated.. Come on friends.. We join our hands to make this as big revolution.. Our fight will help to recover atleast a part of our amount.. We have to prove this our strengths..

  269. i gave a bike number of raghu who was in elena.did you get any info about that bike.

  270. Any guys betrayed by consultant name raja his car num AP28 AY 9347 lemme know

  271. His full name raja bhupendra a big fraud

  272. Lemme know even if u gave 10 k

  273. Hi frnds plz don’t join in config system which is located at panjagutta topaz building its a no 1 fake company they will collect 25k to 55k to joing in backdoor process and they wont pay the salaries Miss.Harini is the hr of the company she is also one of the froud candidate in the company naveen and chandra are the brokers for that company many of my frnds lost their money by paying for this froud company so be carefull with this company

  274. dear all bhuma reddy is prasad part of vacs
    another guy prasanna from ellena solutions p.ranadheer who is a major mastermind luring innocent girls for jobs and asking them to do things santosh kumar from ellena solutions

  275. pujitha has all the information about the gang

  276. Hi mr anonymous you know anything about avinash

  277. waiting for the right time

  278. Me and my friends lost money and my original certificates. Any one have Avinash details pls send it to me…pls…pls

  279. This is T. Sanjay, from chennai, and my complaint to the concern broking firm [CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd] which gives permissions to un-authorized agents like “Green Globe Financial Services in Hyderguda, Hyderabad, A.P., I got to know this private firm ‘Green Globe Financial Services’, Hyderabad, from one of my friend in Hyderabad, who have invested with this firm in commodities, etc. The above mentioned private firm from Hyderabad is an agent with broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division.

    They (Green Globe Financial Services) giving false promises to their clients giving 10% to 15% per month profit. Initially this firm promise to open MCX A/c with CD Commosearch, but after the investment from clients they are not providing any User ID and Password to any of the clients, in this way they gives false promises and this firm investing the clients amount to other business. If they will collect huge amount they will too abscond like other private firms even like recently ‘Stock Guru’ in mumbai, which fraud crores of clients hard earned amount.

    I humbly request you sir, to deal with this firm and before pls check with the broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division in Khairtabad and Begumpet offices how they are simply giving franchisee to false and fraud companies like I said above.

    Hoping for to check with stern action to the above firms….

    Best regards,

    T. Sanjay

  280. We got very usefull info about avinash. His real name is some reddy. He is from chittor and prasad (bhoomireddy) is also from the same place. According to the information i recieved these both r the masterminds behind this. I am waiting for thair pictures. Very soon i will upload the photos of these masterminds. And i will send thair pics to press and police also.

  281. There are 2 directors of vectors – deepak ready and bhaskar rao. And info about them

  282. How you know…if that avinash(reddy) and prasad used some fake names…because they only taken our know any info share with us

  283. I heard one news p.ranadeer is brother of Ravi Kiran it true guys

  284. Deepak and bhaskar are the directors of vcts why these guys are hiding you are supporting those fraud avinash , poojitha reddy , Ravi Kiran

  285. Seajin Technology
    No.18, Flat no.3, Kiran Residency
    Bescom Down, Vittal Nagar, Isro Layout
    Bangalore – 560078

    this is fraud or good one ..can any one help me out

  286. Seajin Technology
    No.23,2nd floor,
    1st stage,
    kumaraswamy layout

    “fraud or good” help me

  287. Hi Mahesh,

    why you are redirecting us from vectus issue?.. Please check in MCA website for company status. Better go directly there and enquire about that company.

  288. this link belongs to avinash (anil reddy) I’ll give his photo and address in 2days if it was useful to any one

  289. Thanks for help you have any more information please share… I saw that is avinash today I forward the pic to press and police

  290. prasad prasnna randheer are the masterminds info from consukltant in bamnglore

  291. You saw the link above he is taken our money anything know about that anil reddy..Mr anonymous if you know anything come to police station and help to us

  292. hi guys any updates…please don’t leave those cheaters we have avinash photo and we know he is from chittor make a pressure on police they will help you

  293. hi freinds i get some information about randheer……

  294. why govt wont take care these type of companies they want only money if they care the manager in the prison stupid pig govt

  295. Hi ramu, Please share the information which u know. this may be helpful to us..

  296. wanted information on complaint given at begumpet p.s

  297. if any one got information….pls share here..

  298. Please let me know if any one find thos cheaters

  299. This is T. Sanjay, from chennai, and my complaint to the concern broking firm [CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd] which gives permissions to un-authorized agents like “Green Globe Financial Services in Hyderguda, Hyderabad, A.P., I got to know this private firm ‘Green Globe Financial Services’, Hyderabad, from one of my friend in Hyderabad, who have invested with this firm in commodities, etc. The above mentioned private firm from Hyderabad is an agent with broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division.
    They (Green Globe Financial Services) giving false promises to their clients giving 10% to 15% per month profit. Initially this firm promise to open MCX A/c with CD Commosearch, but after the investment from clients they are not providing any User ID and Password to any of the clients, in this way they gives false promises and this firm investing the clients amount to other business. If they will collect huge amount they will too abscond like other private firms even like recently ‘Stock Guru’ in mumbai, which fraud crores of clients hard earned amount.
    I humbly request you sir, to deal with this firm and before pls check with the broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division in Khairtabad and Begumpet offices how they are simply giving franchisee to false and fraud companies like I said above.
    Hoping for to check with stern action to the above firms….
    Best regards,
    T. Sanjay

  300. hi frnds,
    i’m one of the person who lost 20k in this fraud process..
    i dnt knw wt to do, this was my first experience..
    even i didnt filed the case in polce statn also…
    i’m totally frustrated by their activities..
    it thought me lots of things, nw i’m working in a small company..hoping 4 the best in my future…

  301. hi friends if u want any information about randheer and his friends plz send urs phone numbers i send detalies

  302. This is T. Sanjay, from chennai, and my complaint to the concern broking firm [CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd] which gives permissions to un-authorized agents like “Green Globe Financial Services in Hyderguda, Hyderabad, A.P., I got to know this private firm ‘Green Globe Financial Services’, Hyderabad, from one of my friend in Hyderabad, have invested with this firm in commodities, etc. The above mentioned private firm from Hyderabad is an agent with broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division.
    They (Green Globe Financial Services) giving false promises to their clients giving 10% to 15% per month profit. Initially this firm promise to open MCX A/c with CD Commosearch, but after the investment from clients they are not providing any User ID and Password to any of the clients, in this way they gives false promises and this firm investing the clients amount to other business. If they will collect huge amount they will too abscond like other private firms even like recently ‘Stock Guru’ in mumbai, which fraud crores of clients hard earned amount.
    I humbly request you sir, to deal with this firm and before pls check with the broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division in Khairtabad and Begumpet offices how they are simply giving franchisee to false and fraud companies like I said above.
    Hoping for to check with stern action to the above firms….
    Best regards,
    T. Sanjay

  303. This is T. Sanjay, from chennai, and my complaint to the concern broking firm [CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd] which gives permissions to un-authorized agents like “Green Globe Financial Services in Hyderguda, Hyderabad, A.P., I got to know this private firm ‘Green Globe Financial Services’, Hyderabad, from one of my friend in Hyderabad, who have invested with this firm in commodities, etc. The above mentioned private firm from Hyderabad is an agent with broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division.
    They (Green Globe Financial Services) giving false promises to their clients giving 10% to 15% per month profit. Initially this firm promise to open MCX A/c with CD Commosearch, but after the investment from clients they are not providing any User ID and Password to any of the clients, in this way they gives false promises and this firm investing the clients amount to other business. If they will collect huge amount they will too abscond like other private firms even like recently ‘Stock Guru’ in mumbai, which fraud crores of clients hard earned amount.
    I humbly request you sir, to deal with this firm and before pls check with the broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division in Khairtabad and Begumpet offices how they are simply giving franchisee to false and fraud companies like I said above.
    Hoping for to check with stern action to the above firms….
    Best regards,
    T. Sanjay

  304. This is T. Sanjay, from chennai, and my complaint to the concern broking firm which gives permissions to un-authorized agents like “Green Globe Financial Services in Hyderguda, Hyderabad, A.P., I got to know this private firm ‘Green Globe Financial Services’, Hyderabad, from one of my friend in Hyderabad, who have invested with this firm in commodities, etc. The above mentioned private firm from Hyderabad is an agent with broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division.
    They (Green Globe Financial Services) giving false promises to their clients giving 10% to 15% per month profit. Initially this firm promise to open MCX A/c with CD Commosearch, but after the investment from clients they are not providing any User ID and Password to any of the clients, in this way they gives false promises and this firm investing the clients amount to other business. If they will collect huge amount they will too abscond like other private firms even like recently ‘Stock Guru’ in mumbai, which fraud crores of clients hard earned amount.
    I humbly request you sir, to deal with this firm and before pls check with the broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division in Khairtabad and Begumpet offices how they are simply giving franchisee to false and fraud companies like I said above.
    Hoping for to check with stern action to the above firms….
    Best regards,
    T. Sanjay

  305. This is T. Sanjay, from chennai, and my complaint to the concern broking firm [CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd] which gives permissions to un-authorized agents like “Green Globe Financial Services in Hyderguda, Hyderabad, A.P., I got to know this private firm ‘Green Globe Financial Services’, Hyderabad, from one of my friend in Hyderabad, who have invested with this firm in commodities, etc. The above mentioned private firm from Hyderabad is an agent with broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division.
    They (Green Globe Financial Services) giving false promises to their clients giving 10% to 15% per month profit. Initially this firm promise to open MCX A/c with CD Commosearch, but after the investment from clients they are not providing any User ID and Password to any of the clients, in this way they gives false promises and this firm investing the clients amount to other business. If they will collect huge amount they will too abscond like other private firms even like recently ‘Stock Guru’ in mumbai, which fraud crores of clients hard earned amount.
    I humbly request you sir, to deal with this firm and before pls check with the broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division in Khairtabad and Begumpet giving franchisee to false and fraud companies like I said above.
    Hoping for to check with stern action to the above firms….
    Best regards,
    T. Sanjay

  306. Seajin Technology
    No.18, Flat no.3, Kiran Residency
    Bescom Down, Vittal Nagar, Isro Layout
    Bangalore – 560078

    this is fraud or good one ..can any one help me out

  307. Seajin Technology
    No.18, Flat no.3, Kiran Residency
    Bescom Down, Vittal Nagar, Isro Layout
    Bangalore – 560078

    this is fraud or good one

  308. If any one know about vectus tech owners please let every one know. at least we will privet and terminate then to do it again.

  309. This is T. Sanjay, from chennai, and my complaint to the concern broking firm [CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd] which gives permissions to un-authorized agents like “Green Globe Financial Services in Hyderguda, Hyderabad, A.P., I got to know this private firm ‘Green Globe Financial Services’, Hyderabad, from one of my friend in Hyderabad, who have invested with this firm in commodities, etc. The above mentioned private firm from Hyderabad is an agent with broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division.
    They (Green Globe Financial Services) giving false promises to their clients giving 10% to 15% per month profit. Initially this firm promise to open MCX A/c with CD Commosearch, but after the investment from clients they are not providing any User ID and Password to any of the clients, in this way they gives false promises and this firm investing the clients amount to other business. If they will collect huge amount they will too abscond like other private firms even like recently ‘Stock Guru’ in mumbai, which fraud crores of clients hard earned amount.
    I humbly request you sir, to deal with this firm and before pls check with the broking firm ‘CD Commosearch Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad division in Khairtabad and Begumpet giving franchisee to false and fraud companies like I said above.
    Hoping for to check with stern action to the above firms….
    Best regards,
    T. Sanjay

  310. Name of company/service: BAG IT TODAY
    Few months back there was an offer from BAG IT Today online, if you pay Rs.99/- you can have a chance to win Sasmsung Galaxy Note II.I have paid the amount by Net Banking on 4th June 2012. I have received the call from BAG IT TODAY on 4th Dec 2012 and informed that i have won Sasmsung Galaxy Note II. Along with that they offered me a group of products for that I need to pay the amount of Rs.17,799/- and amount will be reveresed after 45 days(got credited to account) and Samsung Note will be received by you on or before 20th Jan2013. Till date i have not received the Samsung Note or my amount got reversed. They have cheated and fraud me by taking the credit card and CVV no for booking this amount. Now, i am very worried about misuse of the card number. Kindly help me to get a resolution.

  311. Location/place: KOLKATA
    Name of company/service: TSL ENTERPRISES
    Name of company/service: TSL Enterprises, K/4, Kant Enclave, Post Office Anang Pur Faridabad, PIN-121003, HR
    Dear Sir,
    Above mention company(Regd No.156-59/8745)(Contact NO. 08130528218/09810648149) is claiming as a same company of TATA Steel Limited.The company has send a training cum appointment letter against application. The company is asking to send a bank draft of Rs.2050/- (payable at Delhi)for the training purpose.
    The matter is seems to be fraud and required investigation.Please investigate and reply me in my email ID i.e for genuineness before sending bank draft within three days.

  312. Any Update on Vectus Cheaters…

  313. cheaters prasad venkat ranadheer pease give there info

  314. anybody know about config solutions pvt. ltd.plz,frnds share ur genuine thought

  315. Config Systems Pvt Ltd
    3c,1st floor,Topaz Building,Punjagutta.
    Contact No 040-64643677.
    plz share about this company

  316. Job scams: Cases from the past
    By Vyas Sivanand 15th September 2012 12:39 PM

    In a suspected fake employment drive, around 554 student software developers, the majority of them Keralites, were allegedly cheated by an IT company after recruiting them by collecting Rs 20,000 from each person.

    Some of the students have registered petitions with Online Consumer Forum and the police against the company. The recruitment drive was conducted by Basier IT systems at Kochi in June.

    The officials of the company asked all the recruited persons to pay an amount of Rs 20,000 in the name of Elite Career Services at Punjab National Bank and promised to refund the amount once the training period is over.

    They had recruited nearly 250 students for Bangalore unit and many more for Pune and Kochi.

    The offer letter stated that they will be paid Rs 17,500 per month during the training period. Many of them joined the training session in Pune and Bangalore. But all closed in a month’s time.

    Their training institute, Cannypro Solutions in Bangalore stopped training due to lack of payment by Basier IT Systems.

    When City Express contacted Cannypro Solutions in Bangalore, Abid, Business Head of the company stated that they were not aware that the students were being charged Rs 20,000 for training when they had quoted Rs 9,500 per head.

    He also stated that they did not receive the money as promised.

    “It’s difficult to accommodate 554 candidates and provide training and facilities without receiving money on time. We did inform students about the termination, and the reasons a week in advance and asked them to contact Basier and sort out the issue with them.”

    According to Abid, Cannypro got an enquiry through Just Dial. “After verification we called up Anirudh, the managing director, and over the phone we agreed to train Basier employees on Java and .Net technologies for Rs 9500 per head. Agreement was that Basier make the payments in four equal installments in advance towards the remaining classes,” he said.

    Cannypro had received Rs 12,00,000 and Rs 40,63,000 is pending.

    On being asked as to how many students were affected by the termination of the training programme, Abid said, “All the 554 students have been affected. 254 students have received more than 60 per cent of the training, and the remaining got around 15 per cent training.”

    On the background checks before entering into an agreement with Basier which affected so many youths, Abid stated, “We verified the company registration on Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) site.”

    The managing director is still absconding.


    About 80 engineering graduates accused a software company, Maxcom Inc in Koramangala of cheating them in return of offer letters.

    The modus operandi was to portray itself with a corporate office in the US and branches in Bangalore and Gurgaon looking for software engineers.

    After interviews, the company gave offer letters to some and others were told to wait. But those hired were required to pay Rs 1.2 to Rs 1.4 lakhs each as deposit which would be refunded when they quit. They were also asked to submit their original certificate for background checks.

    When some students realised that there was something fishy about the scenario that they were in, they complained. The police arrested some staff members of the company, but the real con men had used their escape plan and are untraceable.

    IBM Daksh

    Sampigehalli police are looking for a person who cheated several job seekers by promising them jobs in US-based multinational, IBM.

    Complainants claimed that they had paid Rs 7,500 to Rs 8,000 as processing fee to the person for a job in IBM Daksh Business Process Services Private Limited .

    “Neither IBM nor its affiliated company, IBM Private Limited, are associated with any such individual, nor does IBM Daksh or any of its authorised agents charge a fee from any candidate for any recruitment related activities,” the company stated.

    Metro cash and carry

    A 33-year-old man used to conduct telephonic interviews with job seekers who advertised in classified newspapers for jobs. He used to pose as a manager of the international retail firm, Metro Cash and Carry. The accused used to give his victims, duplicate confirmation letters of jobs, asking them to deposit money in his account as processing fees. He then used to change his mobile number.

    Several cases were registered against him in different police stations in the city. In this case, the accused was arrested though the exact amount that he has amassed through cheating is yet to be ascertained.

  317. any whwerabouts of the guysfrom vectus i want ranadheer and prsad

  318. hi friends, is ( this website fake or not, please tell me if anybody know.

  319. hey guys i know the address of the vectus frauds pls mentaion ur mail id in ds forum i’ll forward the address

  320. santhosh Avatar

    if anybody knows the information of vectus technologies please inform me

  321.  Avatar

    all the guys are in banglore and i think u are also the one in the fraud

  322. annonymus–
    i am avictim of it i paid a certain amount to kiran krishna a day before the cmpny bng closed i request u to give the details of the fraud please

  323. Hello friend tell me the site real or fake please tell me

  324. Kolkata weir industries ltd. is a fraud company. this company is not register under the RBI and SEBI, ishliye pass na lagaye aur dusaro ko roke.

  325. Hi Want to share a fraud company details they fooled me.

  326. Ramdhan Infratech Pvt Ltd ia fraud company they duped me for 25k and now they are not returning my money.

  327. is VTC Control,ludhiana is also fraud company…………………….mere frnd k 14000 rupies atke hue h.nd date pe date diye ja rahe h…………..pls solution

  328. Job scams: Cases from the past
    By Vyas Sivanand 15th September 2012 12:39 PM

    In a suspected fake employment drive, around 554 student software developers, the majority of them Keralites, were allegedly cheated by an IT company after recruiting them by collecting Rs 20,000 from each person.

    Some of the students have registered petitions with Online Consumer Forum and the police against the company. The recruitment drive was conducted by Basier IT systems at Kochi in June.

    The officials of the company asked all the recruited persons to pay an amount of Rs 20,000 in the name of Elite Career Services at Punjab National Bank and promised to refund the amount once the training period is over.

    They had recruited nearly 250 students for Bangalore unit and many more for Pune and Kochi.

    The offer letter stated that they will be paid Rs 17,500 per month during the training period. Many of them joined the training session in Pune and Bangalore. But all closed in a month’s time.

    Their training institute, Cannypro Solutions in Bangalore stopped training due to lack of payment by Basier IT Systems.

    When City Express contacted Cannypro Solutions in Bangalore, Abid, Business Head of the company stated that they were not aware that the students were being charged Rs 20,000 for training when they had quoted Rs 9,500 per head.

    He also stated that they did not receive the money as promised.

    “It’s difficult to accommodate 554 candidates and provide training and facilities without receiving money on time. We did inform students about the termination, and the reasons a week in advance and asked them to contact Basier and sort out the issue with them.”

    According to Abid, Cannypro got an enquiry through Just Dial. “After verification we called up Anirudh, the managing director, and over the phone we agreed to train Basier employees on Java and .Net technologies for Rs 9500 per head. Agreement was that Basier make the payments in four equal installments in advance towards the remaining classes,” he said.

    Cannypro had received Rs 12,00,000 and Rs 40,63,000 is pending.

    On being asked as to how many students were affected by the termination of the training programme, Abid said, “All the 554 students have been affected. 254 students have received more than 60 per cent of the training, and the remaining got around 15 per cent training.”

    On the background checks before entering into an agreement with Basier which affected so many youths, Abid stated, “We verified the company registration on Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) site.”

    The managing director is still absconding.


    About 80 engineering graduates accused a software company, Maxcom Inc in Koramangala of cheating them in return of offer letters.

    The modus operandi was to portray itself with a corporate office in the US and branches in Bangalore and Gurgaon looking for software engineers.

    After interviews, the company gave offer letters to some and others were told to wait. But those hired were required to pay Rs 1.2 to Rs 1.4 lakhs each as deposit which would be refunded when they quit. They were also asked to submit their original certificate for background checks.

    When some students realised that there was something fishy about the scenario that they were in, they complained. The police arrested some staff members of the company, but the real con men had used their escape plan and are untraceable.

    IBM Daksh

    Sampigehalli police are looking for a person who cheated several job seekers by promising them jobs in US-based multinational, IBM.

    Complainants claimed that they had paid Rs 7,500 to Rs 8,000 as processing fee to the person for a job in IBM Daksh Business Process Services Private Limited .

    “Neither IBM nor its affiliated company, IBM Private Limited, are associated with any such individual, nor does IBM Daksh or any of its authorised agents charge a fee from any candidate for any recruitment related activities,” the company stated.

    Metro cash and carry

    A 33-year-old man used to conduct telephonic interviews with job seekers who advertised in classified newspapers for jobs. He used to pose as a manager of the international retail firm, Metro Cash and Carry. The accused used to give his victims, duplicate confirmation letters of jobs, asking them to deposit money in his account as processing fees. He then used to change his mobile number.

    Several cases were registered against him in different police stations in the city. In this case, the accused was arrested though the exact amount that he has amassed through cheating is yet to be ascertained.

  329. r

    In a suspected fake employment drive, around 554 student software developers, the majority of them Keralites, were allegedly cheated by an IT company after recruiting them by collecting Rs 20,000 from each person.

    Some of the students have registered petitions with Online Consumer Forum and the police against the company. The recruitment drive was conducted by Basier IT systems at Kochi in June.

    The officials of the company asked all the recruited persons to pay an amount of Rs 20,000 in the name of Elite Career Services at Punjab National Bank and promised to refund the amount once the training period is over.

    They had recruited nearly 250 students for Bangalore unit and many more for Pune and Kochi.

    The offer letter stated that they will be paid Rs 17,500 per month during the training period. Many of them joined the training session in Pune and Bangalore. But all closed in a month’s time.

    Their training institute, Cannypro Solutions in Bangalore stopped training due to lack of payment by Basier IT Systems.

    When City Express contacted Cannypro Solutions in Bangalore, Abid, Business Head of the company stated that they were not aware that the students were being charged Rs 20,000 for training when they had quoted Rs 9,500 per head.

    He also stated that they did not receive the money as promised.

    “It’s difficult to accommodate 554 candidates and provide training and facilities without receiving money on time. We did inform students about the termination, and the reasons a week in advance and asked them to contact Basier and sort out the issue with them.”

    According to Abid, Cannypro got an enquiry through Just Dial. “After verification we called up Anirudh, the managing director, and over the phone we agreed to train Basier employees on Java and .Net technologies for Rs 9500 per head. Agreement was that Basier make the payments in four equal installments in advance towards the remaining classes,” he said.

    Cannypro had received Rs 12,00,000 and Rs 40,63,000 is pending.

    On being asked as to how many students were affected by the termination of the training programme, Abid said, “All the 554 students have been affected. 254 students have received more than 60 per cent of the training, and the remaining got around 15 per cent training.”

    On the background checks before entering into an agreement with Basier which affected so many youths, Abid stated, “We verified the company registration on Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) site.”

    The managing director is still absconding.


    About 80 engineering graduates accused a software company, Maxcom Inc in Koramangala of cheating them in return of offer letters.

    The modus operandi was to portray itself with a corporate office in the US and branches in Bangalore and Gurgaon looking for software engineers.

    After interviews, the company gave offer letters to some and others were told to wait. But those hired were required to pay Rs 1.2 to Rs 1.4 lakhs each as deposit which would be refunded when they quit. They were also asked to submit their original certificate for background checks.

    When some students realised that there was something fishy about the scenario that they were in, they complained. The police arrested some staff members of the company, but the real con men had used their escape plan and are untraceable.

    IBM Daksh

    Sampigehalli police are looking for a person who cheated several job seekers by promising them jobs in US-based multinational, IBM.

    Complainants claimed that they had paid Rs 7,500 to Rs 8,000 as processing fee to the person for a job in IBM Daksh Business Process Services Private Limited .

    “Neither IBM nor its affiliated company, IBM Private Limited, are associated with any such individual, nor does IBM Daksh or any of its authorised agents charge a fee from any candidate for any recruitment related activities,” the company stated.

    Metro cash and carry

    A 33-year-old man used to conduct telephonic interviews with job seekers who advertised in classified newspapers for jobs. He used to pose as a manager of the international retail firm, Metro Cash and Carry. The accused used to give his victims, duplicate confirmation letters of jobs, asking them to deposit money in his account as processing fees. He then used to change his mobile number.

    Several cases were registered against him in different police stations in the city. In this case, the accused was arrested though the exact amount that he has amassed through cheating is yet to be ascertained.

  330., City Express is a not a good for data conversion. They are provide a work. but this work is to hard to finish. so this company rule is collect 100 payments from 100 people. and provide works, but in this 100 peoples only completed people is less than 1 to 2 numbers only. so they gain 200000/- and paid only 4000 to 10000 only, so they gain. remaining amount… so don’t trust this company.

  331. Neutrino It Technology pvt. Ltd. फर्जी कंपनी है !

    उस कम्पनी का MD जो अपने आप को बहुत होशियार समझता है! और है भी।

    क्योकि वो जब भी किसी employee को जॉब देता है बहुत मीठा बोलता है।

    जो जॉब करने आता है वो सौरभ कि बातोँ में फस जाता है। सौरभ उसको झूठ बोल कर फसा देता है,

    सौरभ गुप्ता पहले ओरिगनाल मार्कसीट भी रख लेता था।

    जो कंपनी छोड़ कर जाता है सौरभ उसे लास्ट २-३ महीने कि सैलरी भी नहीं देता।

    एक दिन कि छुट्टी लेले पर वो डेढ़ दिन कि सैलरी कट देता था।

    कंपनी में पहले डॉट नेट के डेवलपर ज्यादा थे अब जावा के ज्यादा है। क्योकि सब छोड़ कर चले गए।

    इस कम्पनी कि एक खाश बात ये है कि यहाँ कभी सैलरी टाइम से नहीं आती।

    जब भी सैलरी के मेल करोगे तो मेल का रिप्लाई नहीं आएगा।

    जब फ़ोन करोगे तो फ़ोन भी नहीं उठाएगा।

    कंपनी में एक भी HR नहीं है ! क्योकि वो गाली देता है जिससे वो सब छोड़ कर चले जाते है।

    उनसे एक डिजाइनर को भी गली दे कर निकाल दिया।

    जो भी कम्पनी छोड़ कर गया है सौरभ गुप्ता ने उसके ३०-४० हजार रुपये तक खाये है.

    सौरभ गुप्ता अपने emplyoee को ही नहीं बल्कि क्लाइंट को भी धोखा देता है।

  332. hi friends i get small information victus hyd plz share

  333. plz tell vitus tech case no in begumpet police station

  334. Dear All
    Mere sath bhi esa hua he….
    Dont use grahak suraksha(cunsumer corum)….and
    In lig se kuch nahi hone wala he Hum sab students he hum sabko milkar ligally action lena chahiye……hame unity chahiye…..
    Aap sehmat he so call me:08980514512,07801977781

  335. (You are advise to contact information that got to our verification department comfired that mobile numbers and email addresses of winner has been hacked and winners are now been contacted illegally do not respond to such messages as they are not in position to pay you your winning PRIZE. for proper verification send your full names Address Telephone Number and Winning number you received to the united kingdom investigation bureau on so as to enable them ascertain if you really won the lottery and give you information on how your prize can be claimed you will also be informed if the winning message you received is a fraud notification)

  336. hi frineds plz share phone numbers urgent about victus tecnolgies urgent share me give mobile numbers

  337. i get information about vectus randheer plz share me

  338. Your Friend Avatar
    Your Friend can you trust a company which is asking for money??? they do not have a facitlity to operate a company then how can you trust them??? I really pity the people who had paid money to them…come on…we are not in stone age….do the enquiries before giving the money…first of all do not trust some one who says he will do favour if you give them money…all the best

  339. is where I go for transfers, cvv, and dumps from now on. He gave me my stuff with no problem and not only did he give me my stuff it actually worked. He really is the best. If you deal with dumps and dont buy from him you are a fool.!!!! Go ask around and look for yourself. To me results prove what is real. He is in the usa and i can talk to him and I really got my stuff and it worked.TOP QUALITY!!!

  340. hi friend s i get information about vetus tech hyd plz send u mobiles i share the person

    in living hyd randheer u get money


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