Fraud Charges by Vodafone

Vodafone is continuously charging fraud each month under the “Download” charges, when i have active 3g data plans and i dont download any wap enabled extra payable downloads.

Sometime it’s chaged 99.00 under “NDTV_Value_Pack” some time “ShotFormat_dwnlp_9” costing 99.00, “hello1_tvallSouth_” costing 30.00 , “wapvilla_ppd” costing 99.00

These are all fraud charged, after following sometime they refund money, sometime they gave useless explanation, but fact is that they have developed this habit of cheating customer.

Their network is pathetic, 3G internet connection gets converted into 2G automatically, due to their poor network connectivity, and now they have come to cheating customers.

so Guys, Think 1000% before you choose vodafone . By years long experience as a corportate connection customer, I am feeling too much victimized now. Nodal/applets all are just useless of vodafone.


2 responses to “Fraud Charges by Vodafone”

  1. Same has happened with me too.
    The company is cheating its customers big time.
    First month they charged me Rs 99
    Next Month they again charged Rs 144
    And Currently they have charged me Rs 277 all on the name of downloading charged and deny to revert back by giving some lame excuses.

    Anshul Jain

  2. you are really correct i also experienced the same on loop iwasant sending any special message and they were mentioning it on the bill that i have sent 2-3 special message which cost me 10-15 rupees per message.i am with you against this

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