This is to bring to everyone’s notice that illegal practices being used by MTS India to recover the dues from customers and harassing the customer’s during office hours
It is observed that MTS India representatives are pretending to be “Information Officers” from “Tis Hazari Court, Delhi” calling the customers who seems to have some pending dues towards bill payments.
In my case I had a MTS broadband connection and disconnected it within a months time of purchase as I was not happy with the service and the service request raised for technical issue was not addressed at all by MTS Bangalore.I had paid the first months bill in advance, but even after giving a disconnection request I got next months bill’s. I paid that bill’s also and permanently disconnected the connection
The (so called) Information officer is called me from Cell No- 8267873654 and told me that the Tis Hazari Court has a case received against me and I need to talk to the lawyer who has filed the case.
I was given a contact number of Adv (Cell No- 96396 78491) and asked contact him/her within 10 mnts on failing to get back he will process the application and I will have to appear in the court the net day for hearing.
When I called up on given number , I was told that the advocate has sent two court notices to my address.
He will take up the case in court for hearing tomorrow unless I pay him the settlement amount of Rs.2,299 (Two thousands two hunderead and ninty nine ).
Its not only me who has fallen victim to these calls but there are many more people who are falling in their trap everyday. Refere to the following link for the complaints registered,
When inquired with Tis Hazari Court, these are like fake call’s from MTS seems , as MTS Call centre does not have any information regarding it .
Even the phone number (of so called information office) from where we got the calls does not belong to court nor to delhi . ( the calls are originated from Uttaranchal )
I request you to take stricter action against these fraudulent people or also against any MTS india officials if involved any.
This is clearly a case of “Contempt of Indian courts” and if any action is not taken from your side I will bring this issue to the notice of Tis Hazari Court, Delhi
and i recommend every one to not to use MTS ( as they are showing wrong advertisements and mis guiding over the speed ) and doing fraudulent activities..
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