fake holiday package

Location/place: kolkata

Name of company/service: BAG IT TODAY

i had purchased a holiday package deal of 02 holidays of 4N/5D each through credit card payment for Rs 11996/- i.e Rs 5998/- per holiday. the representative who offered the package promised me a gift of Del Laptop with this package. even after me asking him the confirmation as to how are they offering a del laptop with such a package which costs only Rs 11996/-, he assured me that this is a special offer which is on so this gift is on the offer with the package. he also confirmed to me that this is not a fake call and the complete conversation is being recorded for further verification . he also explained the procedure that will follow after i purchase the package i.e ther will be three confirmation calls from three different departments of his company , firstly the call to confirm that the payment has been made by me for the package sold by the company, secondly call from the holiday department to confirm the holidays and terms and finally call from the gift dept who will confirm my home address and the gift so that the gift can be mailed to my home address.

I was expecting the three verification calls accordingly. in fact i received the three calls from three different executives of their company as told by their sales representative. the first one asked me about my name , the package and the payment . the second executive asked me about the holiday package and terms. the third executive asked me about the gift but quoted the gift to be a UV sunglasses and not the del laptop. i refused to accept the package and asked a refund of my money to the executive when she re-confirmed to me that there was no such offer of a laptop with the package. the executive took my refusal and assured me that my grievance shall be forwarded to the concerned department.

then started a series of phone calls from their executives for about a month and a half, each asking me to give out the entire case including the way the package was sold to me by their sales representative.

on 24 nov 12 , one of their executive from the retention cell of their company called up to say that this was the last call from their office and my case has been forwarded for a early refund of my money.

it has been 3 months now , but there has been no justice or refund for my grievance.

when i finally wrote back again in feb 13, they said that they will not refund the money but asked me to be satisfied with some gifts worth Rs 9000/- only .

i would like to get my money back as it is a fraudulent practice by such firms to make money at the behest of fake packages.


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