Extra gprs charges

Location/place: noida(U.P)

Name of company/service: idea

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I Anuj Tripathi having an idea post-paid no which is a corporate plan in which i got 1 gb data usage every month in the month of November 2012 charges of gprs is extra than my usage i also got the message from Idea for my total data usage whereas in bill they putting extra charges on me. For which i complaind in their customer cell and agreed to pay the actual bill lied on me. Further to my conversation with idea care time to time i paid my 50% of bill as they assure for waiver of extra cherges.

Still my dispute is not cleard till date.
my idea customer complain no is 116221498

Thanks & regards
Anuj tripathi
Contect no-08826533194


2 responses to “Extra gprs charges”

  1. Idea Cellular Avatar
    Idea Cellular

    Dear Sir,

    We tried to call you but the contact could not be established. Kindly confirm your alternate contact number so that the concern can be resolved to the best of your satisfaction.

    Idea Cellular

  2. anuj tripathi Avatar
    anuj tripathi

    my contect no:- 08826533194
    my idea no :- 09990165421

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