EIILM University is a big fraout

Location/place: Delhi

Name of company/service: Eiilm University

Real Facts About EIILM University Sikkim
EIILM University is a private university and it’s owner is Mr. Vinay Roy and his office’s address is A-41, Mohan Estate, Near Mohan Estate Metro station, Vespire Building, Mathura Road, Next to Pind Baluchi restaurant, New Delhi.
EIILM University has a UGC/DEC approval but not for all those courses which they are running and distributing degrees.
EIILM University doesn’t have any recognition to run any program or provide any certificate for technical/Vocational programs through distance learning.
EIILM is not authorized to give diploma in Engineering in distance mode but they issued many lakh diploma certificates and made billions INRs but they never thought about the future of students.
The owner Rai foundation group, Mr. Vinay Rai Made a Rai University in Chhattisgarh but its name is in the UGC’s fake universities’ list.
Mr. Vinay Rai is famous for Illegal works. He is called “EDUCATION MAFIA”. He has already destroyed the career of thousands of students.
Vinay Rai is running many management and hotel management institutions and providing illegal degrees with fake commitments of Jobs.
There is a only one responsible for all these criminal activities and He is Vinay Rai.
Now he has earned Million’s of INR and has made his own many private universities in different states of India.
Dr. O.B. Vijayan, prof. Mini Juneja etc. are the main hands of Mr. Vinay Rai and have big responsible post in university.
The main important thing is all chancellor, vice chancellor, PVC, examination controller etc. whole staff don’t go to main campus of university in Sikkim. They sit at B2-100, Near Badarpur Metro Station or A-41, Mohan Estate, ND.
How university can give a two/three years course degree in 1 month by saying single sitting examination system.
And finally be alert and don’t go to get any illegal document of this group.
Here are some following popular but illegal/fake brands of this group :
Rai Business school, RBS, EBS, DBS, EIILM, NIILM, IIHM, RAI etc.
Please take your money back immediately if you have already paid without any enquiry. It is really a big scam.


One response to “EIILM University is a big fraout”

  1. What is the source of information ? by the way thank got i read it just before 20 min of paying the fees. but i still doubt which is the source of this info. what happened with the subject ?

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