hello everybody
I am Akshay I got interesting offer letter & appointment from DPR construction
it’s amazing i got selected without my personal interview, or any telephonic interview i got offer letter with 10000/- in Washington sanfransisco as a Project Manager…..!!!
as address I got this mail on 21 August
from email id’s
2) embassy_official@diplomats.com
and call from MNO +918879204914 saying his name Greg Haldeman and currently in Mumbai
after today on 25-Aug at 10 Am call and saying to pay processing fees of INR Rs. 6500/- what an Joke?????
he send me sms of account as below to transfer money today
SMS info
Name : NdAyisaba Ghylan
Ac No. 912010067526467
IFSC code: UTIB0001097
Axis Bank at Bangalore location
This seems to be totally fake plz take action again’s this spammer…………….
if some one can i have strong proof i am getting stuck & afraid of misuse of my scan document i send while they demand
plz help if some one can
the offer letter describe as follows …………
Washington, D.C. Office
2941 Fairview Park Dr., Suite 600
Falls Church, Virginia 22042.
21st – August – 2014
Sub: Appointment Letter
With reference to your application and subsequent experience we got from your resume, we are pleased to appoint you as “PROJECT
MANAGER” in our organization with effect from 21st August 2014.
You are hereby directed to join the company on or before 21st October 2014 in our Washington D.C. office in USA. You will be on probation for
six months then you will become our permanent employee if found to be of a good behavior by observing company rules and regulations.
Duration: Permanent
Ref: DPR/DC/209/14
Service Location: Washington D.C.
Washington, D.C. Office
2941 Fairview Park Dr., Suite 600
Falls Church, Virginia 22042.
21st – August – 2014
Employment Salary Details Below:
Salary: Monthly Salary takes home after tax: $10,000
Leave Allowance: $2,200
Annual salary takes home: $120,000
Working time: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
Car Maintenance: $300 (Monthly)
House & Furnishings: $1,200 (Yearly)
Entertainment & Recreation: $300 (Monthly)
You are entitled to 1 month Paid Leave which can be taken once at a time or 2weeks apart from one different period.
You will receive $3,000 take home for each leave Period.
Employer shall also take care of employees’ travel ticket including that of employees’ Family only on employee’s early
notification to employer and as shall be requested by Employee.
You have to work for 40 hours per week. You will get overtime benefit if you work for more hours as stipulated time. The leave policy and
other polices of the company are enclosed in Terms and Conditions Document.
We look forward to work with you that will be mutually beneficial for both the parties (Employer and Employee). On the date of joining,
you need to sign the Original employment contract documents stating all employment terms and conditions. I hope you will enjoy working
with us to achieve a wonderful career as an employee of DPR Construction.
You are required to take responsibility for your visa processing and inform the Compa ny to pay for your flight ticket after the approval of
your visa. The visa cost will be refunded to you as soon as you resume duty in USA in line with the Company policy on interna tional
applicants. You are expected to give us progress update on your visa processing between now and 7days after receiving this appointment
letter. This Appointment letter will be revoked if you are unable to secure your traveling documents and Visa before the date you are
expected to resume duty. You are required to sign on this letter and submit a copy of this letter of appointment as a token of your
acceptance of DPR terms and conditions and also send the copy via email to the Immigration Advisory to enable him give urgent
consideration on your visa procurement. Thank you for choosing a career with us.
Yours Sincerely,
Greg Haldeman
Human Resources
I accept the above appointment with the terms and conditions contained in the contract agreement letter and confirm that I shall report
for duty on __ / /__
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