DPR Construction Fake Appointment Letter

hello everybody
I am Akshay I got interesting offer letter & appointment from DPR construction
it’s amazing i got selected without my personal interview, or any telephonic interview i got offer letter with 10000/- in Washington sanfransisco as a Project Manager…..!!!
as address I got this mail on 21 August
from email id’s
2) embassy_official@diplomats.com

and call from MNO +918879204914 saying his name Greg Haldeman and currently in Mumbai
after today on 25-Aug at 10 Am call and saying to pay processing fees of INR Rs. 6500/- what an Joke?????
he send me sms of account as below to transfer money today
SMS info
Name : NdAyisaba Ghylan
Ac No. 912010067526467
IFSC code: UTIB0001097
Axis Bank at Bangalore location

This seems to be totally fake plz take action again’s this spammer…………….
if some one can i have strong proof i am getting stuck & afraid of misuse of my scan document i send while they demand
plz help if some one can
the offer letter describe as follows …………

Washington, D.C. Office
2941 Fairview Park Dr., Suite 600
Falls Church, Virginia 22042.
21st – August – 2014

Sub: Appointment Letter
With reference to your application and subsequent experience we got from your resume, we are pleased to appoint you as “PROJECT
MANAGER” in our organization with effect from 21st August 2014.
You are hereby directed to join the company on or before 21st October 2014 in our Washington D.C. office in USA. You will be on probation for
six months then you will become our permanent employee if found to be of a good behavior by observing company rules and regulations.

Duration: Permanent
Ref: DPR/DC/209/14
Service Location: Washington D.C.

Washington, D.C. Office
2941 Fairview Park Dr., Suite 600
Falls Church, Virginia 22042.
21st – August – 2014

Employment Salary Details Below:
 Salary: Monthly Salary takes home after tax: $10,000
 Leave Allowance: $2,200
 Annual salary takes home: $120,000
 Working time: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
 Car Maintenance: $300 (Monthly)
 House & Furnishings: $1,200 (Yearly)
 Entertainment & Recreation: $300 (Monthly)
 You are entitled to 1 month Paid Leave which can be taken once at a time or 2weeks apart from one different period.
 You will receive $3,000 take home for each leave Period.
 Employer shall also take care of employees’ travel ticket including that of employees’ Family only on employee’s early
notification to employer and as shall be requested by Employee.

You have to work for 40 hours per week. You will get overtime benefit if you work for more hours as stipulated time. The leave policy and
other polices of the company are enclosed in Terms and Conditions Document.
We look forward to work with you that will be mutually beneficial for both the parties (Employer and Employee). On the date of joining,
you need to sign the Original employment contract documents stating all employment terms and conditions. I hope you will enjoy working
with us to achieve a wonderful career as an employee of DPR Construction.
You are required to take responsibility for your visa processing and inform the Compa ny to pay for your flight ticket after the approval of
your visa. The visa cost will be refunded to you as soon as you resume duty in USA in line with the Company policy on interna tional
applicants. You are expected to give us progress update on your visa processing between now and 7days after receiving this appointment
letter. This Appointment letter will be revoked if you are unable to secure your traveling documents and Visa before the date you are
expected to resume duty. You are required to sign on this letter and submit a copy of this letter of appointment as a token of your
acceptance of DPR terms and conditions and also send the copy via email to the Immigration Advisory to enable him give urgent
consideration on your visa procurement. Thank you for choosing a career with us.
Yours Sincerely,
Greg Haldeman
Human Resources
I accept the above appointment with the terms and conditions contained in the contract agreement letter and confirm that I shall report
for duty on __ / /__


10 responses to “DPR Construction Fake Appointment Letter”

  1. Thank you Akshay.
    I had has also receive like this appointment letter they also demanded me money as a processing fee of 85000/- This is totally fake plz be aware from these types of mails they are relay too much sharp minded they are from nigerian fraud and has strong network in banglore as this ifsc code is reflecting This spammer is running by IT companies and locating abroad & Indigenous also plz don’t reply to those mail’s & also be aware before sending your document.

  2. Guy’s This Guy Sammer is now in trouble because i publish this post..
    He agree for this spam mail and replied me with this reference complain as attachment
    hahaha this guy reply me like
    “You are a BIG JOKE. You think we are stupid here. The amount you paid was not credit and you tried another BIG JOKE. You must be a lunatic and an imbecile. What is this below…”
    To whom so it may ever concern
    Who ever you are fuck you and your business… man
    Plz don’t demand money from innocent people what you do with this money you will not and never succeed like this keep in mind.
    By the way Who ever you are your this technique is now old pl z try new one this time you entertain me more than earlier.
    Dear U.S EMBASSY who ever you are but plz update your technique new innovation required hahahaha but you really entertain me lot… plz call once again.. this time you may broke your sim and now in dust right…
    Guys’ this time the cheater man demanded me 90,746.90 INR i.e(Ninty Thousand Seven Hundred fourty six) as a insurance amount describe as may if i die while traveling to USA.
    This is another Big joke…
    This time he had given detail as follows

    Account Name: Winfrida J. Mniko
    Account Number: 30967073421
    swiftcode: SBININBB4
    Bank: State Bank of India
    Ifsc code: SBIN0007231
    MICRO code: 641002017
    After Reading this complain he give me Below detail
    Account Name: Pricilla Sawiho,
    Account Number: 20226684610
    Ifsc code: SBIN0014933
    State Bank of India(SBI)

    Buy the way next time plz entertain me more than earlier you are always welcome.. hahaha in waiting for another Extraordinary Big Joke…… Yes Mr. Morlin Feku…
    Open Challenge to Cheater…
    I know you are reading this…………Lier.. still have shame talk to me.

  3. Hello friends,

    I have also get a offer letter from DPR construction as mentioned below. They are demanding 45000.00 for Visa and insurance charges. Its totally fake and stupid person. I requested to cyber crime, please take necessary action so that kind person not faced this type problems.

    4700 Millenia Boulevard, Suite 350
    Orlando, Florida 32839

    OUR REF: DPR/GB/0764/14

    Dear Sir,

    Following the earlier application for job enjoyment with

    Through the curriculum vitae/resume of contacted expatriates recommended for the project. Congratulation you have found qualified as one of the expatriates to resume work in office. The company has appointed you to work as Electrical Engineer.

    Please note that the above letter attached to this mail is your employment letter, and a copy of it has been forwarded to U.S High Commission in New Delhi India for immediate visa endorsement.
    DATE OF RESUME: You are requested to resume work in the office 15/12/2014

    *JOB LOCATION: Dpr Construction Company, Inc. 4700 Millenia Boulevard, Suite 350 Orlando, Florida 32839

    *JOB CODE : 99/45ASS/268/A.S.S
    *JOB SECTION: 2014.
    WORK PERIODS: Monday to Fridays, Time: 9.30am to 5.30pm with break period between 12.00noon to 2.00pm.

    SALARY INDICATION: Monthly take-home Salary (After tax) is USD$ 6,500.00 ( Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars) Salary can be transferred to any Bank or Country of your choice and all transfers must be made in conformity with the existing tax situation in the U.S.A.

    You will be entitled for the following facilities:


    There will be no interview since this is manpower job where anybody is fit to work excepting at the health and management sector where the company required at least first degree holders in job related.
    Interview on arrival is designed to facilitate a cordial relationship between expatriates and firm as well as the organizational structure with respect to the project scope. Interviews are also designed to ascertain claims on working experiences and academic/educational qualifications, and should any claim be found wanting the affected expatriate would be deported and such done in conformity with the legal provision? Among reasons for interview on arrival is to establish expatriates area of interest considering the project scope in order to facilitate an efficient division of labor on Job Locations with respect to the organization structure.


    We have mandated a reliable agent who is working in the U.S embassy New Delhi India to assure immediate visa processing for all appointed applicant coming from China, India, Pakistan and UAE round the Asia to avoid delay causes by visa processing.

    You are hereby advice at this stage to contact Mrs Angela Philips. (via email: ) by sending him a scan copy of your international passport and photo ID for processing of your Visa/relevant travel/immigration documents to enable us ascertain your commitment readiness & willingness to the project take-off.

    Due to the sky-scraping number of applicant that we have on our database, all appointed applicants are given (14) days to comply with every requirement demand by the Embassy to get their VISA. All employee that are unable to meet the seven (14) days deadline given will automatically be disqualified with all personal information deleted from our database for employment.

    Contact the agent via e-mail or Tel using the contact details:-
    Name: Mrs Angela Philips
    E-MAIL: newdelhi-visaapplication@americanembassy-gov.ga


    Please be very important that you humble yourself before our Agent Mrs Angela Philips , respect her and follow her instruction for her to get your visa in due-time to ensure confirmation with our record for immediate delivery of your Air-Ticket together with your Job Offer Letter hard copy direct to the embassy in New Delhi India via DHL Courier service.

    Your present location and a day-time telephone number would also be required for sake of efficiency and correspondence. The job programmed Schedule will be made available in due time (no distant time). As a mark of commitment, The Dpr Construction Company U.S.A. will be responsible for Visa fee expenses only.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Regional Manager.
    Scott Lyons

  4. Dear Pravin,

    Please read below information carefully from this link

    NOTICE: We are aware of an employment offer scam that is using DPR Construction’s name without our permission to gain access to personal information. We are working to identify the source of these fraudulent emails and job postings and have them stopped. In the meantime, if you receive an email that looks like it is from DPR Construction, indicating that we would like to “interview” you by email, please take note that it is not actually from DPR Construction. DPR Construction does not ask candidates to reveal personal information via email.

    This company itself agrees that you may receive fake call’s so be aware this may be way to suck/stolen your money.


  5. padmasrinivas Avatar

    Hi Friends

    I got a offer with out Interview from Simon Henry,

    365 Chester Road,
    Little Sutton South
    Wirral CH66 3RG
    Phone :+448433780166

    Employment Duration: 2 years(Renewable) with the following facilities.

    A) A private accommodation with a furnished sitting room and bedrooms suitable for a family of 3.
    B) A Fixed land phone and an Internet ready computer.
    C) Free medical care
    D) A day off every week and all fully paid six weeks vacation a year.

    WORKING HOURS: 8:am-12 – 1:pm-5:pm

    SALARY: £2500 Pounds Monthly,
    Allowance: £250 Pounds keeping allowance weekly
    Total Gross Salary (£3,500 Pounds) monthly after tax.

    I will be responsible for your flight ticket and provide all necessary documents needed for the processing of your working visa/ work permit. All you have to do is pay for your visa fee of 208 pounds to the united Kingdom embassy when needed during the processing of your working visa/work permit, This is the only cost you have to bear and will be refunded back to you as soon as you resume work here in my house.

    I am requesting you to bear your visa fee yourself as proof of seriousness/commitment towards this job and also based on my past experience. If you are satisfied with the job description and accept the terms and condition, send me the information page of your international passport to enable me contact my lawyer and other consigned authorities with your details and forward you the job contract agreement to sign so we can proceed further with the employment and immigration formalities.

    I look forward to hear from you.

    After this i submitted all the documents.

    Now i recieved the below mail.

    Office of the deputy consulate
    British High Commission
    Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
    New Delhi 110021
    REF No. 2267/798/12/56

    Attention: Padma,

    The information supplied by you has been verified and approve for your visa appointment. the next step will be for you to come to the embassy for your biometric data, fingers scan, and digital photograph, before this is done you are to effect the payment for visa fee to enable your application to be registered and approve for your appointment to the embassy.Upon confirmation of payment, you will receive an official appointment letter stating your date and time of appointment.

    Effect the payment to the below broker’s account and send me a copy of the bank deposit slip that will be attach to your application as proof of payment.

    Bank: State Bank of India
    Account Name: Pricilla Sawiho.
    Account Number: 20226684610.
    Ifs code: SBIN0014933.

    Amount: 200.00 GBP = 19,504.(Today’s exchange rate).

    You are advice to effect the payment today so that your appointment to the embassy will be confirm.

    Thanking you,
    Brr. Morgan Wilfred
    Office of the deputy consulate
    British High Commission
    New Delhi

  6. dear consumerforums plz confirm and verify

    i got mail from dr.rasoul.shapari@mit.tc
    name Dr rasoul
    he given me a offer letter through sir francis bakers. mail id <zealand.dollar.job2014@xd.ae of new zealand job offer bee keeper in kaitaia nad also offer me @ 8950 new zealand dollar with 5 years agrrement they inform me to pay only visa processing fee and ticket acomdation will arrange by employer later he i got mail from dr.rasoul.shapari@mit.tc dr rasoul to fill visa application form and send your pass port scan copy on same mail id for vissa apply i sent same on 28 aug 2014 now before 1 month i got called from dr rasool +918904225806
    +918376851805 for make a payment for visa proceecing fee 22500/- rupees Bank: in State Bank of India
    Account Name: Pricilla Sawiho.
    Account Number: 20226684610.
    Ifs code: SBIN0014933.
    now i have paid that ammount he send more things for medical and make more payments for same 68200/- and appointment leeter will be release after 2 days and you come to delhi amabassy for intrview and blaaaa blaaa blaaa

    plz get resolved this is original and fake

    Effect the payment to the below broker’s account and send me a copy of the bank deposit slip that will be attach to your application as proof of payment.

    Amount: 200.00 GBP = 19,504.(Today’s exchange rate).

    You are advice to effect the payment today so that your appointment to the

  7. Hi Akshay,

    I too got the offer from this same fraudulent. I have given 20,000 to her. Could you please tell me what should we do now to catch?

  8. SHANMUGAM. M Avatar

    Dear friends,
    Please tell me whether career@dpr-construction.net is a fraudulent mail ID or real ID. I received job offer from this mail ID. Please guide me.

    Hi i also got a same mail id

  10. Hi I am also got a same mail I’d it is real or cheating pls gide me

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