Documents taken and have not provided the Credit Card

Location/place: India

Name of company/service: Standard Charted bank

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have applied for a Credit card with Standard Charted Bank in the month of June and i have received a mail in the same month on 30 th june with a topic of “Welcome! to the E-Statement facility Ref:” from SCB and later on i received 2 letters to residence in bangalore stating the address change is accepted. but I did not receive my card and I have sent many mails to scb and i got revert from them on 27th july stating”Your recent communication with us (KMM9964404I15977L0KM)” Containing (We are gald to inform that your credit card application has been approved and
you will be receipt of your card ending 0095 shortly.) and till date i have not received my card or any details from the bank. I have submitted my Documents such as salary sheet,Pan Card,Credit card statement, And also a Card Imprint. This makes me afraid that if my documents are misused or the bank has no courtesy over a consumer.


Santosh Kumar


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