Location/place: mahindera park , rani bagh ,delhi-110034
Name of company/service: DEN CABLE NETWORK, MADDAN CABLE
SIR, i am resident of rani bagh, and here are different colonies but the cable connection is of same DEN NETWORK with different cable providers.. In my colony i.e mahindera park MADDAN CABLE is providing only one slab and charging full from all as told by him ,if the coustmer does not want to see all channels, and HE is not providing different slabs decided by government.. but in rishi nagar(a adjacent colony ) there is also DEN NETWORK but the cable provider is charging less..when we asked him about this, he said if you want cable than you have to pay extra charge in mahindera park (he is the only distributor in our colony)and disconnected our service and ask us to pay extra charges to resume service.. we also gave option to carry away the digital box and return our RS. 800.
but he is not responding… and he only want the full + extra money .we are giving him charges according to our REQUIRED SALB i.e RS 200 PER MONTH.
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