Deliberate Shift of Due Data for CESC’s Monthly Electric Bill for May 2012

Location/place: Kolkata

Name of company/service: CESC Limited

The Honurable Consumer Forum

Consumer No. 28042014006
Meter No. 3818073-01

The particulars of monthly consumption and Bill Due Date is given below:

Month Rebate Due Date of Payment
April’12 Rs. 59.49/- 30/05/2012
March’12 Rs. 31.70/- 04/05/2012
Feb’12 Rs. 32.20/- 04/04/2012
Jan’12 Rs. 32.24/- 29/02/2012
Dec’11 Rs. 38.50/- 01/02/2012
Nov’11 Rs. 24.27/- 29/12/2011

MAY 2012 Rs. 81.25/- 28/06/2012

Kindly see that the due date for payment of the monthly utility bill for the past six months was never before 29th of the month. But in May 2012 that has been deliberately shifted to 28/05/2012 when the rebate is much higher than other months to deliberately deprive the consumer of the rebate amount. Also, the payment turn around time is very short as the bill comes at the most 3-5 days before the due date.

Remedial action is requested.


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