Deficiency of Service in delivery of product in time.

Flipkart is seating over my money of ₹37500/- since 21st February 2015. And they have no regrets for that.

I ordered a Apple iphone 5S from Flipkart on 21st Feb 15 vide Order ID OD102134113796453400. They did not deliver till 26th Feb. On complaining they cancelled my order and asked me to reorder the same. On my protest they agreed to refund me the difference of amount between my fresh order and the previous order. I agreed and reordered the same phone on 2nd March at a higher price of ₹1000/- more.My order No. is OD202215453094054400. They promised to deliver by 5th March. I was after them since 4th March as the product was lying barely 2 kms from the address of delivery.I made at least 50 calls and sent them more than 20 mails. They promised to deliver by 7 PM on 5th Mar. But they did not. And they stopped responding to mails thereafter. I wanted to talk to their CEO but they never connected me to him.
Such hopeless people. They want to cancel it again.
My question is if you cannot deliver why do you promise and put unnecessary mental torture on customers?
If you do not have the product with you why do you display/offer them?
And how shameless is your team to give blank promises again and again?
This is serious deficiency in service.
And the worst part is the entire team of flipkart is totally irresponsible. They donot even have the courtesy to give the reason of their failure to the customer.

Now I demand from them a compensation of at least ₹5000/- over and above ₹37500/- that I have paid them. This is a very small compensation compared to the amount of mental trauma they have intensionally given to me and my son (who is at Delhi and who was supposed to receive the iphone) since last 10 days. They must also pay me the interest on the amount of ₹37500/- ay interest@12%.


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