Videocon D2H complaints reg Sir/Madam, I have requested several times but no reply/action from customer care and nodal officer D2H, kindly order to act fast and normalize my services and channels. Thanking you Yours truly N R MISHRA Mr.NALINI RANJAN MISHRA 1 Oct (10 days ago) to Customercare, Nodalofficer Dear Sir/Madam, Since 21-10-2010, I am using Videocon as Standard Definition, I have requested online for HD Upgration by paying Rs 999/-on order No. D2H20140210012501 dated 10-02-2014 at 13:28:47 with out any free HD pack. My South Gold Pack was maintained Rs200/per month+ Free FREE SPORTS MEGA was given to me as only one south Indian Language+ FREE SPORTS MEGA package or two south Indian Language. Even after HD upgradation also my old packages were not being disturbed, please see the screen shot of my online d2h portal given details, As these packs are most suitable to all to my family members. On 14th Feb 2014, my package suddenly changed to South Platinum pack without my knowledge or intimation by D2H, either by technical fault automatically or by its by D2H executive purposefully to avoid my old benefit. On same day I have complained to reset my old packs and benefits. Because of this faulty activation of south platinum pack Without my knowledge some one from D2H purposefully activated South Platinum HD Package, which disrupted my packages. On 15th Feb 2014, my packages are re-scheduled back, as d2h realised its fault and normalised back my packs. but I have seen my south gold pack was started charging me Rs231/pm instead of Rs200/- there after. Just after one month my Free Sports Mega pack was discontinued, When I have complained to nodal office and customer care senior executive told me that it was given for one month, and as per new rule, all customer who are given Free Sports Mega already taken off, they lied me as as of now my office mates and relatives here, already enjoying such facility, but for me all trouble D2H made continuously, which is non genuine. All sides they have troubled me. This is totally harassment over long period. More over I have sent many emails for my complaints there is no reply from customer care as well as nodal officer. On 23 Aug 2014 I have requested to change my package to HD south pack, but why 24th Aug 2014 new south pack was activated, lated when I wanted to put add on HD Glove or upgrade to South Gold HD, both were not available on d2h platform, but before any time no one told me or informed me by email/sms/phone call, if any major changes on D2H why. D2H is doing all madly to make suffer its old customers without information and changing/ removing channels and frequently increasing price bands. its totally unacceptable. why because of totally D2H fault why I will suffers. More over now other than few DD channels all regional channels 239 paid channels are added in d2h, in all south pack starting from South Silver Pack, all south Indian languages are given free, Like me persons who not at all watch any South Indian pack forcibly I will have to pay, where as my interested channels are removed, or I have to pay extra. Any one south Indian Language/ regional pack must be compulsory. More over D2H is now following HD Access fee like Tatasky will ultimately benefit Dish TV, Airtel Digital, as their HD packs are more flexible and affordable. Copying Tatasky will make beginning of end to D2H as I have Tatasky connection but not continuing, same will happen for D2H soon if its wrong policy issues. I need my old pack New South Gold Pack+ free Sports Mega must be given back to me, HD Globe and South Gold HD I must be offered again,as d2h made fault and lied and hide the fact. If not done for me I will lodge a complaint to Ministry IB on 02.10.2014. Many days I was under severe loss and d2h treated me step daughter why????????????????????????? Waiting your reply and action soonest. URS N R MISHRA 9444444248 id:24214322


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