Complaint against Reliance Big Tv

I am customer of reliance big tv DTH WITH Smart card No. : 200589783849. Few days back an error 400 i-e signal lost occured in Big tv. I contacted the constumer care of company on phone who told me that i have to register complaint for which Rs. 175 will be deducted & technican will come to our home & will restore the signal & will rectify error within 18 hours. I accordingly registered complaint in big tv customer care office on 03-04-2014. But till date no technician came to our home. I called in customer care several times but they only say that we will resolve your problem soon but nothing happens. They are only befooling people & deducting money from our big tv account without rectingfying the error & providing the service. It has caused great inconvience to us & our balance is decucting. Thus our service should be restored and penalty may be imposed on Reliance Big Tv company.


10 responses to “Complaint against Reliance Big Tv”

  1. Smart Card No.,: 200931851835

    ​I have complained for the poor quality of signal on 13.10.2014 (ERROR 400 – showing on TV while switch on the TV). First time your technician came and said the problem is sorted out but at the same time problem remain the same. Then we complained again, technician came and changed the set top box and charged Rs.500/-. Then again the problem remains the same and not sorted out.

    ​It seems that the tehcnician has replaced the set top box without proper checking the old set top box which cost me Rs.500/-, it is a gross negligence on the part of reliance.

    ​Same day on 13.10.14, we have complained for the same but still nobody came to sort out the problem. I have spoken to your customer care centre daily basis and spoken to Amandeep twice but nothing is being done to get over the issue.

    ​Kindly send your representative/technican to fix the issue immediately as I am unable to view the TV programmes despite expending my hard earned money.

    Rajendra Rawat
    Mob: +91-9810201150

  2. I am a customer of reliance big tv. But some days tv wasn’t work i have call all customer care number but they didn’t receive didn’t get response worst connection i will disconnect if u will not do action.


    I paid 548rs on 7/03/2018 through my debit card . Ref id 806616728554. Despite successful transaction they have not sent me registration number. I couldn’t get any responses or satisfactory answer despite repeated emails and calling on helpline number. They promised that connection will start in 45 days but I am still waiting for the engineer to come. I deposited money because of big business House Reliance. I hope they will keep their reputation.

  4. B. Ramesh Bhat Avatar
    B. Ramesh Bhat

    I am customer of big tv from last five years. Two months back they announced offer RS.2499-00 for two years in new scheme. Latter all channels deactivated due to satellite problem. They are convincing me to wait 72 hours from last 1and half month. I need Mony back or all channels to be resumed immediately. Please help regarding this issue. Thanking you sir
    B.Ramesh Bhat
    Consumer card no-. 200997754652

  5. Sir,
    I am customer of big tv from last five years. Two months back they announced offer RS.2499-00 for two years in new scheme. Latter all channels deactivated due to satellite problem.
    i have call all customer care number so many times but seems customer care numbers are NOT working from last 2 and half month. I need my Mony back or all channels to be resumed immediately. Please help regarding this issue. Thanking you sir
    Pramod Chavan
    Consumer card no-. 200964219808

  6. U Govind Reddy Avatar
    U Govind Reddy

    Subject: RBTV DTH Installation Not Done.
    Name: U Govind Reddy
    City: Berhampur pincode:760007
    State: Odisha
    Claim Amount (Approx.): 500
    Complaint Description:
    As per reliance digital tv offer advertisement on online I booked reliance digital dish tv on 18 March 2018. My dth booking ID is: A12940484 And response message comes reliance digital tv end as it will be installed between 30 to 45 days.
    Another message recived,
    Dear Customer, we appreciate your patience and would like to inform you that installation of your new BIG TV connection will commence from 15th june 2018. For any further queries please write at
    But till today any installation response not yet received from reliance digital tv end. I tried multiple times by phone to reliance digitaltv contacts provided by reliance digital tv and the contact numbers are not using and not responding now by reliance digital tv. Reliance digital tv is cheating the consumer.

    I request you to please take action to get refund of my money Rs. 500.
    But today I have installed other cable service at my home and do not required Reliance Big TV DTH service and requesting for refund of my money to my original mode of payment.
    U Govind Reddy – Registration ID: A12940484

  7. Raj kumar soni Avatar
    Raj kumar soni

    I paid 499rs on 18/03/2018 through my debit card . Ref id 806616728554. Despite successful transaction they have not sent me registration number. I couldn’t get any responses or satisfactory answer despite repeated emails and calling on helpline number. They promised that connection will start in 45 days but I am still waiting for the engineer to come. I deposited money because of big business House Reliance. I hope they will keep their reputation.

  8. I have booked reliance big TV on 1st March and paid them 500 rupee till now 9 months are over I did not get any connection more than 50 times I called them and I send the messages so many times but they did not reply always they said me they will contact in 24 hours but I did not get any call from them so it’s almost more than 9 months ago but now I did not get any connection from reliance big TV

  9. Amount Refundable
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Please refundable my amount Rs.1999/-.
    Bank Details Below:-
    Beneficiary Name-Man Singh
    Account No.62055559156
    IFSC Code-SBIN0020704,
    Mobile No-9250591811
    Refundable amount because your service is very poor & your customer care persons is very Telling lie. If we ever call us bay then we are given the time of the week.

  10. Rajaram Sawant Avatar
    Rajaram Sawant

    मेरा नाम राजाराम है। मेरा फोन नंबर है 8698246095 और मेरा रिलायंस डिजिटल टिव्ही, बिग टिव्ही 200758545964 का कनेक्शन है। मार्च 2018 में आँफर 4साल फ्री चेनैल का लालच देके मुझसे 1400 ₹ रिचार्ज करवाया, पर अब सीर्फ 2 ही चेनैल दिखाई दे रहे है। और बाकीके चैनलपर रिचार्ज का मेसेज दिखाई दे रहा है। नोव्हेबंर 2017 में लायसेंस रिनीवलके सिरलसिलेमें तों रिलायंस डिजिटल टिव्ही, बिग टिव्हि ने 4महीने चेनैलहि बंद रखे थे।
    और जब सर्व्हिस चालू हुई तो आँफर का लालुच दे के रिचार्ज करवाया । अब सर्व्हिसका पता नही। कस्टमर केअरमें फैन करनेपर कहां जाता है की आपका सेट टाँप बाँक्स बदलना पडेगा और ईसकेलिये आपको 1200 ₹ देने पडेंगें। और ईसि सिलसिलेमें कंपनिसे आपको 48 घंटोमें फोन आयेगा, पर आज 1 महिना हुवा कंपनी से कुछ भि काँटेक्ट नही हुवा।
    अब मै क्या करू? सीर्फ आपपरही यकिन हैं।
    कृपया आप मेरी मदत किजिये।

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