complaint against reliance

My name is sunil vishwakarma and mobile number is 9820189628. I lodged complaint on 2nd of march this year in reliance but i not got any resolution even after 8 days. On 1st march i activated my data pack by paying Rs.248 online i got benefit of unlimited data of 2g for 2 months but on 2nd of march 12 o’c in midnight my data pack was expired. executive informed me that we will resolve your complaints in next 48 hours. I given more than 50-60 call to get resolution but thay they are informing the same thing that your complaint is in progress than i requested to transfer my call to sinior but again an again i am getting same respons that seniors are not available at this time. Seniors are not coming to talk with me, i tried full day today. And too many times they disconnected my call. The executives are taking my complaints again an again and informing me that you will get call in next 2 hours , 6 hours,12 hours, till 12 o’clock and so on. Please help me to get return my money back to my account.


One response to “complaint against reliance”

  1. Dear Sunil,

    We have noted your complaint and the same has been forwarded to our customer service team. They will get in touch with you directly to resolve your concerns.

    Reliance Communications

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