I have sent This Email to care.mumbai@aircel.co.in , 1909.mumbai@aircel.co.in , appellate.mumbai@aircel.co.in of Aircel Limited Company as Given Below : –
Dear Sir / Mam,
Today at 09.23 pm I have Recharged My cell no. – 9987909876 Prepaid Phone of Mumbai with the Amount of Rs.135 as when I Got the sms from DD-655515 (Your Aircel) to get extra Talktime(More than Full Talktime) of Rs.150 at 02:12 Pm Today only on 17th july 2014,the Amount Gone to the Promotional Balance Account.But When I called the Customer Complaint No.-198,Your Executive Told me that It Has the 28 Days Validity,but Your Company didn’t Mentioned that in Your sms nor it Mentioned on Your Website.Now I called twice to Your 198 Customer Care Executive & they gave me the Phone No. 1288 to know that this Offer is There or Not,but that Also Didn’t have any of this Offers and They also told me ” You should Have called them Before Doing Refilling of Your Cell “, But Why Should I do that,Because in the Message sent By Your Company didn’t mentioned the Validity,then How could Any Customer Can Know that Particular offer ?
I also did the Regharges of More than Full Talktime Offers when I was associated with Airtel,then Vodafone,then Reliance and Now with Your Aircel,But They didn’t Fraud me by sending offers sms & doing fraud Like Your Company Did without mentioning the Offers Full details in the SMS only and Now This SMS is only My Proof to Put the Complaint on Your Aircel in the Consumer Redressal Forum…..
Your Company has done the fraud and you have to pay for It,because No other Person should face these Types of Problems..
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So Please Solve my This Complaint or Else I will Go to the Consumer Redressal Forum and Also Port Out From Your Aircel…..
Smitesh Kadam,
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