Complaint against dispute of CESC bill

Respected Sir,
Customer Id-10000388526
Consumer No.-10208155007
Consumer type-Domestic
Consumer Name- Sri Radha Raman Das

Since July,2014 we have paid Rs.10340
on August,2014 we have paid Rs.5270
On September 2014 we have paid Rs.4780
On October 2014 we have paid Rs.8550
On November 2014 we have paid Rs 2810

Previous. Present
July 2014 meter reading. —– 1344
August 2014 meter reading. 1344. 1775
September 2014 meter reading 1775. ——
October 2014 meter reading. —– 2913
November 2014meter reading. 2913. 3175

During this period of time we have complained several times due to excessive billing. On January 2015 the person who had came for meter reading has told that the digital meter of us is not working and thus he has lodged a complaint. On 23rd February 2015 staves of yours has came to change the meter and on 25th February another person came for the meter reading. And now a bill of Rs. 7150/- has been issued by CESC. A unit of 924c and 21c respectively has been given on the new bill.
New meter Reading 3175 to ——- (924C)
And for a single day I.e- from 23.02.2015-25.02.2015 a unit of 21C has been given. As this was during the time of winter and no Air conditioners/Fan are not switched during this periods of time unnecessary billing has been done due to the fault of CESC staves.
Though we have enquired about the reason for the excessive billing but of no use as no needful steps has been taken for the last 7-8 months.
Current 6month consumption. Previous year
Month & year Units. Month and year Units
0215. 945. 0214. 122
0115. 0. 0114. 155
1214. 0. 1213. 76
1114. 262 1113. 183
1014. 766. 1013. 200
0914. 372. 0913. 260

Now the bill is beyond our capacity and we shall be unable to pay the amount of Rs. 7150/- which has been enforced on us due to CESC staves’ fault. As per today’s discussion they has told as the meter was not working an average bill has been sent to you regarding the consumption of 21C unit on 23.02.2015-25.02.2015. They has told that it was beyond their capability and has verbally abused my mother from the customer help desk.

Please tell us what to do and kindly do the needful at your end so that no further problems may arise.Waiting for your early reply. And harrasment and for abusement I need their apology and then to rectify the billing problems.

Yours faithfully,
Joy Das.


One response to “Complaint against dispute of CESC bill”

  1. Siddhartha Ghosh Avatar
    Siddhartha Ghosh

    CESC Team,

    It is an utter disgrace on your part that you people are cheating common users of their hard earned money like you did with my mom this month. Although we have been using the same number of electronic devices like the previous months and neither have we used our AC more than the last month as the average temperature was same like the previous month so the question of running the AC for more hours than the previous month doesn’t applies. But to our awfully shocking surprise we found out that the bill for the month of MAY for the Consumer ID: 48001157324 was Rs 2,610 which is totally unacceptable as the average bill for the last three months when the summer heat was in its peak was about Rs 1400. So there is no logical reason why it should shoot up to Rs 2610 suddenly on the month of May. I would request you to carefully recheck our reading and adjust the bill accordingly as otherwise we will have to move the case to consumer forum to get proper justice.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Siddhartha Ghosh

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