Complain Against idea customer care no.8860125255

Location/place: Mumbai

Dear Sir,
This is complain against the no. 8860125255, customer care no. of idea.
from last few days a boy called ABHIMANYU is calling from this no. to my wife no. 9967013230 and asking for the no. of some tripti choudhary, my wife doesnt know this name or girl. she said many times that he should not call becos this is not the no. of any tripti. but that boy was using very bad bad language for my wife and that girl tripti, we are going to complain police within a hours and am also informing you people also to do the needful and find out the fact. If i don’t get the response from idea then i will also put this issue to electronic media and paper media also.
Nitin Verma


3 responses to “Complain Against idea customer care no.8860125255”

  1. IdeaCellular Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    We wish to inform you that on investigating the matter we found that the person who called you from number does not belong to any of our Business Partner and the tariff information communicated to you is not available with us, as on date. Also, we would like to confirm you that the detail of one subscriber can not be shared with the other. Hence, we would request you to kindly contact the local police for the same.


  2. shantanu Avatar

    what the hell going on ,
    a boy from the number 8860125255 calls me and my family,
    talks using slang.
    what the rubbish .

  3. satish kumar aanand Avatar
    satish kumar aanand

    this no is being operated by vodafone network delhi.
    how could we get the detail of this person ..
    becos its enough to get inflamed that i m also being disturbed by this no.
    11/01/2013 @8.00 pm app. the call made on my no.7549184557 by mob no.8860125255
    and right after that also my family got irritant calls by this mobile no.

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