Cheating by ASC to change the engine.

I bought a bike 2 years ago, where the big had some small issues which I didnt bother. The actual things that was bothering me was the mileage part. Whenever, 100ml test is done it used to give an average of 6kms/100ml. When I use in my daily life, I am not getting the same thing. I have told the same to the service station guys and all they do is 100ml test. Recently when I asked they are saying that its rider fault.
I changed the service station, as they couldnt resolve my issue and found that the Con rod bearings have play, that is the reason there is a damage in engine and not getting mileage.
I returned to the same popular bajaj service station and asked them the samething and they say, they need to replace the bore and engine will work fine.
After finishing all services at authorised service station, how fair it is to tell the customer to change the engine parts right after the warranty period.
I never demanded for any issue with the bike till now. When I ask the service advisor, they say bajaj engine life is for 30000kms only. Does this mean all the bajaj bikes in india need to be rebored or replace the bore after every 30000kms? is this the type of quality bajaj is selling to customer?
I need an enlighten on this so that I can stay away from bajaj in future.
After trusting the brand, this is cheating to the customer and who can afford Rs.10000/- after every 30000kms and along with all services at Rs.1000/- to Rs.2000/- per service and changing other spare parts at particular time?


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