Location/place: Delhi

Name of company/service: Samara Hyundai

Hi, I am Mr. Rajesh Narula.
I have been working with Samara Hyundai at Kirti Nagar Branch as a Branch Manager.
Today suddenly our DGM (Deputy General Manager) Mr. Shailender Chaital has come up with a new Manager, without any information without any prior notice they terminate me.. said we don’t require you, go and search a new job for you.
See I am a married man i have lots of responsibilities over my head, i have to run my house after getting the salary.
Now it is very difficult for me to search a new job instantly…..
If you investigate regarding the Mr. Shailender bad and rude attitude towards his employee than you will come to know how planner and a bad politician he is.
I would like you to take some strict action against the Samara Hyundai as they don’t bother their Employees career and hire only because of exploitation.
I want 3 months compensation from Samara Hyundai as a Harassment and a mentally torture and also would like you to take some strict action against Mr. Shailender so that in future he wont do this kind of harassment and wrong things against the Employees. He is a very rude man in this world.

You can understand that it is not possible to search the job on the spot. You suggest now how can i run my house and how would i bear my old parents medicines bills and all.
I am facing with a very drastic situation just because of wrong attitude of Samara Hyundai.

Hope to hear a positive response from you asap while considering my condition.

Rajesh Narula


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