Location/place: India

Name of company/service: Tata Photon

The following mail i sent to the Tata Photon customer care for your reference and help me sort out the issues.

O. Muthu Manickam

Dear Customer Care Executive,

This is in reference to my following mail and repeated mails and phone calls to your customer care and their calls to me. As on date my request not been taken care by your company nor sorting out the issues raised by me.

Now i have started receiving sms from your company saying that, they will take a legal action. You pls. tell me on what basis you would take a legal action,

Kindly understand that,

1. You are failure to provide a proper service which i was paying more than year,
2. I had given a complaint for your tata photon connection which is still pending,
3. Without sort-out the issues, you are raised the bill for not providing the good service,
4. Sudden disconnecting the services without informing me,

At last, you never bother to rectify your customer’s complaint and additionally you are threatening to take up a legal action against a good customer like me is not good for your company.

I would request you to sort out my tata-photon connection issues at the earliest without making any further delay.


O. Muthu Manickam
9080 410 833


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