Bill paid still follow up when roaming and putting up recordings

Location/place: Mumbai

Name of company/service: Vodafone


my consumer account number with vodafone is 1.12372073 i had made the bill payment for the services on 25th january by dropping a cheque, which was cleared from my bank on 28th of january. Still the company people kept on following up for payment from me, i shared them the snap shot of the account wherein the chq was cleared and they stopped the recording this was on 2nd february, i had my services discountinued again when i was in baroda i spoke the relationship manager and the manager wanted a bank account statement, dont understand how can a company ask some one’s bank account statement for restarting the services, the executive dint have reply to that but to pacify me she got my services started, i again had a problem and i started getting a recorded message before every call i make again on 13th of feb, finally as i dint have choice had to share my bank account statement with them, but i feel this is encroachment on my privacy and there is no right for a telecom company to ask for my bank statement,when the fault was at there end. will want some action to be taken on this


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