Bill discount deactivated vodafone kolkata

Number 9836140840 (Kolkata)

I changed my plan from SEP 149 N CUG to E_Connect 299 3G but I requested to you to keep intact my two Bill Discounts (Rs.50 and 15percent 2G Volume Discount). I have been given Rs.50 discount so why is another discount withdrawn ?

I clearly mentioned it on my email dated 27/10/15 and 28/10/15.
Even on telephonic conversation to +913371711288 on 28/10/15 at 7.44 p.m I forbade him to activate the E_Connect 3G Plan without these bill discounts.

Now my earnest request to you ,please add 15percent Volume Discount again with my plan which was active from 14-MAR-2015.Chek my Please check promo Subscription history for details .


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