Location/place: Electronic city

Name of company/service: INDIAN BIKE POINT RT NAGAR

First of all the service is bad. Charges are more than showroom price. When we question they ask us to give back all the parts. They are arrogant and come for a fight as a customer we are right this happened earlier also with two of my friends the only reason is the pick up and drop. Rather go our self to showroom than giving our bikes to indian bike point. Also they are ready to fight. Kindly upload this on the web site so other customers don`t get cheated.I have also given a review in just dial but nothing worked as i got these cheaters number from just dial.


One response to “BIKE SERVICING”

  1. Imanuial Avatar

    Very True does our money come free of cost working in the entire night shift for these cheats to enjoy god knows who has given this name Indian Bike Point.

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