Author: Lokendra singh
No prepaid connection with other state adhar card
आधार कार्ड राष्ट्रीय पहचान दर्शाता है य नहीं । हरयाणा BSNL ऑफिस other राज्य के आधार कार्ड पर प्रीपेड connection नहीं दे रहे है । जबकि दूसरी टेलिकॉम कंपनी का sim कहीं भी ले सकते है । तो देश की कंपनी के नियम अलग कैसे हो गए । क्या आप कोई मद्त कर सकते है…
No return even product is not working
ShopClues Support, May 23, 3:14 PM: Dear Customer, Thank you for shopping with This is with reference to your order. We express our inability to accept your return request as we have sent you the same product with standard quality ordered by you. Please refer to for return policies. We appreciate your understanding…