Author: Krishnamoorthy Varadarajan
The amount received on leaving the company is far less
Dear Sir On leaving the company I didn’t get the dues as per industry standard. No Provident fund given, though company is covered in Pf scheme The gratuity rules not followed Last 3 years salary increments not given Earned leave encampment not given Reliving letter not given Ramsons Garments Finishing equipment pvt ltd, Mysore Road,…
The amount received on leaving the company is far less
Dear Sirs I worked in the said company since 28/11/05 to 16/10/14. My last drawn salary was Rs 55000 /-. Consolidated.I was not given the yearly increments given to all employees for consecutive last 3 years. My last increment was 10000/_. I was not given any long leave except 1 or 2 days in a…