airtel dth complaint

i had purchased airtel HD digital TV(ID NO.30134900044) and lodged complaint regarding dysfunction of the same but concerned person came and replaced it with stb with bad picture quality and now, it is not working properly calling the airtel office nobody I want to lodge complaint in consumer court as I had paid the rental and I couldnot enjoy the TV for more than 10 days.


12 responses to “airtel dth complaint”

  1. airtelpresence Avatar

    Dear Customer(30134900044),

    This is with reference to your post dated 01 June 2014.

    We would like to acknowledge that we are working to address your concern as soon as possible.

    We will connect with you to get additional details, if required, to resolve the concern effectively.

    You can also get in touch with us at

    Rakesh Kumar
    airtelpresence (airtel customer service team)
    bharti airtel ltd
    Connect with us 24X7. We will be happy to assist you with a swift resolution to your queries on all our products and services

    Twitter –
    Facebook –

  2. airtelpresence Avatar

    Dear Customer(30134900044),

    This is with reference to your post dated 01 June. 2014. We tried calling you multiple times to get additional details to enable us to address your concern. However, there was no response.

    We will appreciate if you could share your alternate contact details / convenient time to call. Please write to us at
    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Sandeep Kumar
    Airtel Presence (Airtel Customer Service Team)
    Bharti Airtel Ltd

    Connect with us 24X7 and we will be happy to assist you with a swift resolution to your queries on all our products and services
    Twitter –
    Facebook –

  3. Tapas Majumdar Avatar
    Tapas Majumdar

    Sir ,
    Being a customer of Airtel Dth connection having customer Id 3021231999 i had registered a complain with your customer service no 03344448080 on 18th of april, 2018. Waiting for 48 hrs ,Since after that it has almost been 30-40 times i had continuously called the customer care executive. But the irresponsible executives sitting there failed to even sent a technician to my house till 22nd of april’2018. On 22nd april 2018 a technician called and enquired about the address at 4.40 Pm . He did not disclosed his name . The call came to me from mobile no 8759734274 and in true caller showing as Deba. After 2 hrs when i realised that being a D grade company your technicians are also making us fool i called and he said that he has visited our house and the problem is solved whereas i was constantly present in my house .
    Now my question is that am i paying the rentals to enjoy 5-6 days interrupted services from your end. I really had a goodwill toward your company but really this incident had led me to disconnect my line with effect from today . As your company do not have the responsibility to serve the customer at all. I will also move to the consumer forum regading this matter as Rs 120 remained unutilised .

  4. J.C.Thirumuthey say that there is some srurugan Avatar
    J.C.Thirumuthey say that there is some srurugan

    I bought a Airtel Android DTH connection last August’18 with ID 3023480186. From the date of purchase the system is having thee remote problem. Need to change new remote for every weeks time. i had complained and received very poor response. I was given to understand that its there product defect that this remote is an Bluetooth report and this remote battery will not last for more than 7 days time. This was too much and forced to spend huge – where normally remote battery last for more than years time.

    Yesterday i had to change the remote battery and then found that the remote is not working. I was only able to use the volume control and non of the other control was working. i had immediately called their cal center and they said they will send techincal person to take care. They said someone will visit before afternoon and i received none and called again in the afternoon they said that by evening and again i called as received no one in the evening and again they said tomorrow morning before 12, but again i called today afternoon as received no response till afternoon.

    When last spoke to them last they say that they have a problem in this model and not able to fix a person to rectify the problem. we are waiting for the last two days and Airtel is not capable to resolve this issue.

    When ever we can the call center the same boring answer with no commitment . I am irritated and created a huge domestic problem. I had also written to the nodal officer yesterday again even for the same no response till now.

    I had requested them to replace this Android DTH to normal HD DTH – also for this there is no replay till now.

  5. Vineeth Vijayan Avatar
    Vineeth Vijayan

    Dear Sir,

    I am a customer of the Airtel Digital TV (Consumer No – 3013439899) and have been using your service for the past 4 years. On Feb 1st 2019, my Airtel Digital TV connected got deactivated. I contacted the service engineer located in my place (Palakkad, Kerala) and he informed me that since Jan 31st 2019, various customer changed their plan, Airtel is working on updating them. My channels would come back and my account will get activated within 2 days.

    Please note that I didn’t change my pack and also on Feb 2nd 2019, as my balance was low, I recharged for Rs 400. I noticed that my amount in the Digital TV account was getting debited each day, even though my account got activated on 11th Feb 2019. For 10 days I couldn’t watch the channel because of your server issue. Each day I called the Kerala Airtel office, and they never picked the phone. Even the airtel engineer said that amount won’t get debited and I even contacted the customer care.

    They registered my complaint – 85791139 and I informed them the same. Each time I called, your customer care representative was saying that the team incharge will call me within 2 hours. It has been almost 12 days, I haven’t received any call and my complaint is still not resolved.

    Each day I keep calling your customer care rep and it is the same issue. They say that today within 3 hours, the customer service rep will call back and try to provide a solution for this issue. It is really frustrating to know that you don’t care to understand the pain your customers are going through. After repeatedly requesting you I can’t get any solution from your side.

    Do you really wish for me to cancel and go for other digital service provider? They are plenty and I am sure they will provide a better service. But I went with Airtel since I have been using Airtel telecom service for the past 12 years.

    Can’t believe you guys can make me run for my problems.

    How are you going to solve my issue.

    With Regards
    Vineeth Vijayan
    (9443061366 / 9894557342)

  6. Fayazuddin Shaikh Avatar
    Fayazuddin Shaikh

    Dear concern Airtel DTH Team,

    I have inform you that i do not feel good at writing this,I have heard that Airtel’s service is very good,But my experience has been very bad,I have been requesting to change my plan since the last one month,Call does not seem to be in customer care right now, if ever it seems, then someone speaks down, call after 2 hours.

    I called in Customer Care today is saying that after 2 hours call the server is down,How often do we have to make a call to change the plan,I talked to the girl in the customer care that she told me that there is no one at your side,He does not speak, no call back from us will make you,How much trouble will it be to change the elixir plan, if we do not have any advantage by using airtel, then I will change the other.

    I am very worried by the service of Airtel.

    I expected prompt reply from you.

    My Register Mob-8976693513.

    Thanks & Regards

  7. ANKUR GUPTA Avatar

    I am a customer of the Airtel Digital TV (Consumer No 3009240020) and have been using your service for the past 5 years. ON 10th APRIL 2019 i request for new remote. after 15 day on 25 th april 2019 an executive named narman i coming with duplicate non working piece of remote, when i say this is not original piece, also tell in past i was purchase several time. non of those are local, they provide me original piece, but this piece is now original, than instantly they lough and say sorry this is not for sale this is for some other purpose. ,after that till now i do not receive any remote, no one help me.

  8. Mainak Chattopadhyay Avatar
    Mainak Chattopadhyay

    Sir, Last 7 days l am waiting airtel restallation. Nobody will come and customer care also not effective. Why this delay is happened and really dispressed for this pathetic service from airtel. Please take action ASAP.
    Consumer lD: 3025560433
    Complain ld: 88861345 and 88994738

  9. Airtel DTH service seems most pathetic. They are least bothered if consumer services. They are simply giving false assurances. Last 10 days have been following for restoration but no response or false hope . Rather there representative are directly approachable for restoration by paying them double triple charges. There is no way round. Why rental charges are getting deducted Inspite if no service at all. Want all my rental charges credited back.

  10. Jignesh Gothadiya Avatar
    Jignesh Gothadiya

    From last 5 days I get call from airtel support person to Rs.396 recharge dth to avoid suspension of your account and she has even not a manner to talk with customer so I have call back to support and He suggest me to recharge with 170 and do temporary suspension of your account so I have recharge with 170 and again call to support to request to do temp. suspension but now other lady said me, you have to pay 30 per month to temp. suspension and I ask to her, what about I recharged 170 She said it will not usable anymore.
    When I call to support every person given me different answer NoOne has proper knowledge of Airtel DTH scheme.
    I request to every Airtel DTH customer, If your are not using your DTH TV due to Covid19, then don’t recharge your account even if you get call from support.
    Simple calculation is, You can get new connection at 2900 for full year free TV channel on videocon or TaTA Sky, so If you will recharge 200 per month to avoid suspension then better is to don’t recharge Airtel DTH(If you will not use your TV for 6-8 month ) and buy new TATA Sky or Videocon DTH.

    I got 3-4 call daily from last 5 days from Mobile 7228063444

  11. Airtel guys are unprofessional and misbehaved .even they don’t know how to behave with customer and they are providing the misleading information
    I have asked to upgrade my hd box to extreme but they are charging extra

  12. Ajaykumar Gopagoni Avatar
    Ajaykumar Gopagoni

    Dear Airtel Consumer officer,

    My name is Ajay Kumar Gopagoni, I’m baring a Airtel DTH account number of 3031023477, i was facing the issue from Xtrem Setup box since 4 months I was rasing the issue but it is not yet resolved but every time without informing me the executives are closing the tickets. Kindly check the issue and let me iknow if anything required.

    Ajaykumar Gopagoni

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