My number of Airtel broadband is 011-46568333… I had made the bill payment on 30th Apr 2014. However, due to some reason the payment has not been updated in Airtel systems. Since last 20 days I have been receiving collection calls from the agents asking me to pay. And today 28th May 2014, they have disconnected my internet connection and outgoing calls also to this number.
I have called them several times and raised complaint tickets but everytime they close the ticket without providing me any resolution.
I have also written to their appellate authority on and also provided them the bank statement which shows debit of bill payment on 30th Apr from my account. However, there is no help from their side as of today.
I am in online business and am suffering big loss due to this lapse on airtel’s part.
Although I have requested for a new MTNL internet connection which will be installed in 2-3 days however, I would like to press charges against airtel for this negligence and claim damages for loss of 2 days business. Can someone guide me how to take it ahead.
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