AIRTEL all 3 levels of Cust. Service INEFFICIENT

The MOST Dirty service centre & Airtel gallery. Till date, my complaint has not been resolved of SIMPLE OWNERSHIP CHANGE FOR MY AIRTEL NO.

I have complained at all 3 levels of customer service that AIRTEL says, the higher the customer service level the more pathetic the service gets!!!!

To tell you the pains that I have gone through for such a petty issue, PFB the details –

· I had requested for just a simple request of name change for my airtel no. from my sister’s name to my name – Satnam Ajmani

· The Airtel centre (AEO ID – 00211) asked for an NOC from my sister, Ration card proving that we are real sisiter & my Passport Xerox.

· On 1st Oct 2013 at your Airtel AEO ID – 00211 – collected my documents & assured me that within 15 days my request will be complete.

· Since my bill cycle is on the 18th of the month, obviously the October bill has to come in my name

· I get no call from anyone regarding confirmation of name change & suddenly my bill arrives still in my sister’s name

· Post which, I go the Airtel centre (AEO ID – 00211) on 26th Oct 2013, to ask for an update.

· The guys ill manneredly tell me that they DON’T KNOW. What do you mean you don’t know. I have given my docs to them & they bloody don’t have an update????????????

· I go to your Airtel gallery then, at Chincholi Bunder, Malad (W) on 1st Nov 2013 to complain about this issue.

They again without even listening to what I want to say said that they DON’T KNOW the status. Also, FYI – they assured me a name change will take only 7 days – CONTRADICTORYYYYYYYYY

NOV 6 –
And then finaly i go WRITE E-mail to 121 of airtel to complain & explain them my case history.. They give me the sick procedure of doing it again.

NOV 12 –
THEN i Go to the next level of NODAL OFFICER, who finally accepts the bloody mistake of losing my documents & on 13th of NOV tells me to resubmitt my documents & have the bloody courtesy to APOLOGIZE!!!

NOV 15 – I re submitt my documents with an assurity that within 7 working days the request will be complete.

And today is 27th NOV, my phone is completely out of service from past 5 days. I have been writing to the top level of CUSTOMER SERVICE that THEY CALL it as APPLEATE, who is inconsiderate to my complaint yet again!!!

I will have no option than writing to BHARTI MITTAL M.D. only…. LOOOSERSSSS you’ll are!!!!!


2 responses to “AIRTEL all 3 levels of Cust. Service INEFFICIENT”

  1. Namaste Mr. Ajmani ,

    This is with reference to your post dated 28 November 2013.

    We are keen to resolve your concern; however, we will require your airtel account number along with an alternate contact number to resolve it effectively.

    Look forward to receiving the required details at

    Rakesh Kumar
    airtelpresence (airtel customer service team)
    bharti airtel ltd

    Connect with us 24X7. We will be happy to assist you with a swift resolution to your queries on all our products and services
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  2. Namaste Mr. Ajmani,

    We were waiting to hear back from you. Since you haven’t written in yet, we trust your issue has been resolved. If you still need assistance, we request you to Please share the required details with us at

    We assure you that we are committed to resolving the issue to your satisfaction.

    Saurav Ahlawat
    Airtel Presence (Airtel Customer Service Team)
    Bharti Airtel Ltd

    Connect with us 24X7 and we will be happy to assist you with a swift resolution to your queries on all our products and services

    Twitter –
    Facebook –

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