Adventmobilestore campany was cheated me

Location/place: Andrapradesh

Name of company/service: Adventmobilestore

Sir my name is Kranthi. From warangal.
I have ordered Nokia n8 buy 1 get1 for rs 12500
I have paid 6000 for first installment. And they asked me to credit. Remaining 6500 to the shipping and next day they called me and says that. U have to pay 12500 for the international trading license .. I also paid the 12500 , next also I get call from the number 9742525089. And he said that Iam near to ur home u should pay the hotel bill tenthousand I also paid that 10,000 and I paid 3000 for courier but. They did not sent the mobiles to me So please help me to get back my money 3,8000 rs. And I had the all acount details of advent mobiles and the. Main fraud number is. 8375085081.

My number is 9666311185


3 responses to “Adventmobilestore campany was cheated me”

  1. Hi,

    Sorry to hear about your experience. Please write to us on and provide us with the following details

    1. Contact Number
    2. Your Location
    3. Device IMEI number.

    We will have someone from the team connect with you. Please mention your name on subject and add your contact in the email.

    Do include the complaint link in order to speed up the process.

    Team Nokia India.

    Locating a Nokia Care Centre (NCC) is very Easy !
    SMS “NCC” & send it to 55555, within few seconds you will receive the list of NCCs in that city.

  2. me to same problem and i had placed apple mac book pro and he did not sent me the product

  3. and he had taken 37500 rupees

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