not activated
I bought a new Aircel prepaid sim card from universal shop uthamsagar near to dodda banaswadi,Bangalore on 25-october-2014.

The representative sold the sim card to me for 100 rs and told that it is surely monday actvate. I submitted all the necessary documents.
Till now my sim card was not morning i went there and ask that time he told to me surely before 3’clk activate it’s not acivated means you just call me after 4 clock i was try to call him but the respose that number was switch offed.
my sim no:89918030914121151719
imsi no:405803122115171


One response to “NOT ACTIVATED”

  1. Aircel Support Avatar
    Aircel Support

    Dear Deenababu,

    Kindly visit the nearest Aircel Store with Proof of Identity and Proof of Address in order to assist you better.

    Warm Regards,
    Aircel Social Care Team

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