MSEB Giving More Bill Than Required

From Last three months the lineman who is required to take the meter reading from our BPCL petrol pump is irregular in his work. The MSEB provided us with the bill of 75000 for one month i.e 5500 units approximately. As there is no such usage from us the lineman got the bill corrected and we paid the bill of 46000 approximate for 3 months. Up till now all was okay but suddenly the next month i.e current month bill was given of 28000 rupees which is far more than our usage. whenever the lineman comes to take the reading we also record the reading with him. in the current bill there is no any previous reading and then too they gave us the bill of 28000 don’t know on what basis. if we take out the usage as per our records the bill comes only of 8000 rupees. when told about this problem in the MSEB office they speak arrogantly that no changes will be made and you need to pay this bill.

i don’t understand without the perfect measure how they can make out our usage of units. i am fed up with this now and want the bill reduced. my last ray of hope is this forum hope so it will take actions as soon as possible . Waiting for your response.
Thanks & Regards !!!


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