Vodafone Mydala evil nexus

Vodafone’s nexus with mydala is definitely one of the most evil business practices i have come across. It is so evil that it is almost brilliant.

Kudos to the idiot who thought of it.

To the unclued..you just visit a website..which will direct you to mydala.com via a popup.. or maybe you accidently clicked a link. And the next thing you know..your prepaid account has been debited with some amount… or you get an inflated postpaid bill … in lieu of some points or scheme which you never explicitly signed up for.

At first I thought it was a mistake or something but it seems that many people have had a similar experience.

And still vodafone continues with this.
This is not a VAS.. but a nuisance.

Mydala is not at fault. The entire blame lies with vodafone.

P.S. : The call centre guys are totally unhelpful and went on to suggest that I might have an automatic phone… and they didnt even mention mydala before I did some research and called them back.


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