Whirlpool washing machine-motherboard complaint

Location/place: Trivandrum

Name of company/service: Whirlpool

Dear Sir,

Sub:Whirlpool washing machine – (whitemagic SPLASH: serial no:INB092101131 Model no:9855 ) Purchased from NANDILATH G-Mart, Trivandrum, Kerala on 4-6-2009

The machine was ok till the warranty period ends.Now it is not working. After switching it on, the indicators just flash only once and GO OFF.
I have reported this to the authorised service centre, (bakery jn-vazhuthacaud road, Trivandrum. Phone-0471-2327532) and as per the technician, the MOTHER BOARD has to be REPLACED which costs around Rs.3500/-….!

I wonder why these service people are Not trained to REPAIR the mother board..?
Why should I need to pay for the WHOLE board, if ONE OR TWO components fails….?

They also said that I need to pay for another Rs.900/- for a voltage protector to be connected to the machine.

I would like to get a reply from WHIRLPOOL company for my queries :
1. Is it possible to repair the mother board..?
2. Is it mandatory to use the voltage protector….?

Anticipating your reply,


14 responses to “Whirlpool washing machine-motherboard complaint”

  1. Whirlpool India Avatar
    Whirlpool India

    Please call us on our CRM number 60008558 or 18601804558 and also drop us a mail at whirlpoolcomplaintsonline@gmail.com listing your complaint, contact details and/or complaint number. We  will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

  2. Whirlpool India Avatar
    Whirlpool India

    We are awaiting your mail with the details. Please call us on our CRM number 60008558 or 18601804558 and also send us a mail at whirlpoolcomplaintsonline@gmail.com listing your complaint, contact details or complaint number. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

  3. Whirlpool India Avatar
    Whirlpool India

    We hope your problem got resolved satisfactorily. Thank you for helping us serve you better.

  4. Amuthan Meganathan Avatar
    Amuthan Meganathan

    I agree Mr Anil don’t their service engineer know how to fix the mother board, I have same problem changed mother board twice, is whirlpool mother board is not fixable as part of the business statergy

  5. I am also facing same issue above mentioned. I am replaced two times the motherboard but still having problem.

  6. Hi
    I too faced the same issue. Got the motherboard replaced for whirlpool whitemagic F55 for Rs 4800. Had no other option but to do it. I wonder why they cannot repair the motherboard.

  7.  Avatar

    I replaced my mother board too.within less than 6 months it is spoiled again. When asking they say warranty is only 3 months. How many times should we change? Is this the brand value?

  8. I replaced my mother board too.within less than 6 months it is spoiled again. When asking they say warranty is only 3 months. How many times should we change? Is this the brand value?

  9. I too faced the same issue, replaced the board for Rs.4250/- including service charge of Rs.400/-
    I agree with the manufacturing cost for new ones. As the board itself is repairable by the manufacturers you have to take back the complaint board to reduce the cost of end customer, and recycle them. Which will reduce the cost of new ones.

  10. PCB for whirlpool sports model 2010 front load fully automatic. Call 9247712015

  11. S.s.kulkarni Avatar

    Prise of mother board os washing machin?

  12. Whirlpool Avatar

    Dear Customer,

    We regret the inconvenience you have faced. Please share your mobile/complaint no. so that we can look into this concern.

    Whirlpool Support.

  13. I too have faced this problem 5 times in 10 yrs, its pathetic.

  14. Aiyanna MG Avatar
    Aiyanna MG

    I’m the latest victim of this problem should I say? Mother board replacement suggested@ Rs.3500 + I don’t know how much. It’s a mystery why Whirlpool can’t fix problem.

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